
Is it illegal for a teacher to be talking to a student on instant messenger ?

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What are the student teacher laws/ rules?




  1. If it's professional, it's okay.  If it's personal, be careful - especially if it's a student you currently teach.

  2. no idea if it is legal or illegal but it is totally unprofessional - when a person is in a professional role they have to maintin that professionality by keeping a distance from their clients (ie, not being 'friends') - it is sooo not a good idea for a teacher to be 'chatting' with a student out of work hours because it could lead to them losing their career, however innocent it is

  3. I agree that it is a little weird that they are keeping it a secret, if in fact they are, but instant messaging is just another form of communication, and there is nothing illegal about it.  The only thing that might be against the rules would be WHAT they are messaging about.

  4. It's not illegal, but in my opinion it is inappropriate.

  5. Talking in a messenger is practically the same as talking anywhere, outside people would never know what they are talking about but if the teacher is a good and ethical one, he or she will use this technology as a resource for the class and not for personal unnecessary uses. If you know about a teacher that finds it "funny" to talk in messenger with their students then its because she is not used to this type of technology or does not approve it, and that would be a personal issue. But a good teacher uses any type of technology in a positive way and always using it for educational purposes.

    When a teacher talks to a student outside the classroom, its supposed to be about content of the class, any doubt or question the student had about class discussion, and so on. The same way when a teacher provides a telephone number for the student to contact her, it should be for similar reasons.  The identical way, if a teacher has contact with her students in the messenger, it should be for the same type of reasons, even to get closer to the student, because during class hours you can't ask all of the students how are things doing, or at least not all of them will answer at the same time.  Remember that one of the qualities of a good teacher is to demonstrate preoccupation for their educational as well as personal growth. You can have a teacher-student relationship without necessarily having a negative connotation.  The most important  factor would be to always draw a line between what is a "pal" and what  is a teacher.    

    It is not illegal because it is not illegal to talk to a teacher during lunch hours which is free time, or outside class hours for tutoring sessions, or after class with  more than one student to clarify doubts. It is not ethic or legal if the teacher-student have any type of improper relationship.  But if it is just simple talk about school, or if the student needs adult counseling about a personal situation and so on, the teacher can be a resource to provide help, in person, or in the messenger.

  6. Not illegal in the act of itself.  However, there may be different school policies restricting out of classroom communication between teachers and students.  And, of course, if there is any sexual advances, that is a totally different story.

  7. Why would it be illegal?

  8. Student teacher relationships and IM are totally different things.

    Do you think it should be illegal for teachers to e-mail, write to or speak to students?

  9. Not illegal unless you take it to another level. I have IM'ed former students since I don't usually give out my personal email until the last day of school. All my students know my school email but that's not connected to IM. With my yahoo email, former students can find me online on yahoo messenger and keep me updated on how things are going.

  10. No but i suppose it depends on the nature of the conversation. My students e mail me coursework and queries about assignments and I reply and I know teachers who use IM for these purposes. Anything other than this is might be seen as pushing the boundaries unless the teacher knows the student personally, in a context other than school but there are no laws against it.

  11. Ive emailed my teachers homework and stuff and i dont think talking to them on IM or MSN is illegal however i do think that it crosses the boundries between a student and a teacher, it's probably frowned upon in teachers eyes. Aslong as they are just talking and nothing serious like a relationship or anything is going on i dont think its illegal.  

  12. There's no law that says a student and their teacher cannot speak outside of school, especially over the internet. It's more of an awkward thing more than anything. I've had a lot of teachers give out their e-mails to their classes because they wanted to keep in touch with all of us after school was over. It's normal for a student and teacher to bond since you're with them almost every day, they teach you, and you get to know them. Some "head teachers" are just snotty and feel like it's "wrong" to talk to a student that way. I bet they would be okay if it was a female teacher talking to a female student or male student talking to a male teacher, but it's just that awkwardness that was almost MADE to be put between a student and their teacher. One of the assistant teachers in my High School was like a father or big brother to everyone that ever needed help. Almost everyone in the school had his e-mail or could just barge into his class whenever they needed to talk to him. He bought us lunch, took us on trips, and just treated us like his kids because he (just like every other teacher) LOVES his students. It's just the awkwardness that makes them silent. That's all.

  13. I wouldn't think it was illegal, as all my teachers hand out their email addresses and phone numbers to us, and isn't IM just a quicker form of e-mail? I'd think if it was for help with work or just a little mild conversation it isn't illegal.

  14. It isn't illegal -- unless there is some type of propositioning that is happening.

    Students have IM'd to ask me homework questions in the past.

  15. It's not illegal to mention something school related. I know that some of the cheerleading sponsors use this as a way to remind the squad which uniform to wear and when to be at locations. But if the message is personal or makes you uncomfortable, block the number.

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