
Is it illegal for an employer to hold back wages?

by Guest33488  |  earlier

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I have just been paid for a months work and my employers have deducted 3 hours too much. I was sick for 9 hours work and was 1 hour late on one day where my car broke down. On this day, when I usually do 4 hours work they have paid me as if I didnt work those 3 hours which I did. I have rung them and asked when I will ge tmy mlney, they said the end of next month. I thought it was illegal for them to keep my money as they are gaining interest on it?




  1. Not worth fighting over. It will cost you more than you'll gain and you'll probably lose you job over it. Besides they said they are paying you on next check.....

  2. It is quite common for employers to make minor mistakes such as this and to make up the difference in your next check. It is only 3 hours of pay and is more cost effective for them to just put it into your next pay check than to issue you a second check now. If it is really that important to you ask if they can pay you the 3 hours pay out of petty cash.

    If you had been overpaid they would not expect you to return the money today but would deduct it from your next paycheck. It is the same thing.

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