
Is it illegal for an ex employer to give a bad reference?

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I used to work at Burger King, and I had an argument with a co-worker. I have been putting them down as my last job for the new employer to call and check. I just found out this morning that they have been giving me a bad reference and telling future employers that I was a violent, mean person. So my mother in law calls and tells me that my future employer asked her 3 questions: Is she a violent person, would she hurt someone at work and do you think she would cause an accident at work? That is so crazy! Just because I had an agument. someone please help me, I am so upset about this, I have been outof work for about a year, and now I know why!!!!




  1. it is not illegal if they believe it to be true.  I would definitely not use them as a reference.  It would probably be in your best interest to leave them off of the resume entirely.  It is not going to make much difference whether you have fast food experience or not as they will hire non-experienced personnel just as easily.  Good luck in the future and try to keep your cool at all times and be professional with your co-workers.  Never leave a job without notice.  Your resume will grow and you will have great references to follow you as you move up in life.

  2. You should always phone up former employers and ask them if you can name them as a reference for a future job.. if you do that, and they agree, they are not allowed to say bad things about you and it's polite to let a former employer know if you want them as a reference because then they know someone will call them but if you gave them as a reference and did not ask their permission.. then they can say what they want... the polite way.. always ask.. ''May I name you as a reference for my new job.. phone them just before... talk to the manager and if he says '' of course that's ok then they will only say good things about you ... otherwise they would tell you...'We can't say anything good but we won't say anything..'' but in that case they never are allowed to say bad stuff but if you don't ask them if it's ok by them if you name them as a reference.. then they can say what they want...'' so in the future make sure you only pick people where you had no argument and left on a clean slate''....x*x

  3. It is not illegal but most companies make it a policy to only tell potential employers about the dates worked, title and if they would rehire them.  Most companies won't even answer if they would rehire you or not.

    Reason:  The ex-employee could sue for defamation of character.

    For you, always find someone that you work with to be a reference for you.  Sometimes it is your boss or another manager.

    But, forget about using Burger King -- not unless there is another manager who could vouch for you.

    Remember though -- this Manager can only give a reference as a friend and not as a representative of the company.

    Hope this helps.

  4. hope not some girl i worked with is a cry baby just tried to get a job here!  i suggested not to hire her!

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