
Is it illegal for me to have a working police siren in my car and use it, as long as im not making stops?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna get one to crash some parties but i am not sure if it would be legal.




  1. Police sirens, as derived from its name, are for police use only. If you're not a policeman, don't use it. Charges line alarm & scandal, usurpation of authority, etc... may be thrown against you. There are lots of ther cool ways to crash parties. This ain't one of them.

  2. uhhh as long as the parties are in the middle of nowhere u should be okay just dont do it goin down the road

  3. It is illegal would be impersonating a police would go to jail.........record the sound on a cassette or something and play it at your friend had the lights  in his grill like a undercover cop and was arrested...he didnt think it was so funny after that..........Paul...

  4. It is illegal in exactly the same way as horns that play tunes are illegal.

    The difference is that the police will not hesitate to tow and crush a car that is imitating a police car (as yours would be).

  5. Yes.

  6. YOur not to have one

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