
Is it illegal for me to say David Gregory from MSNBC is g*y?

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even though I dont have any evidence to support it? I mean I go with my gut.




  1. Stating it as a fact without proof could get you in trouble. However if you If you start with "In my opinion..." you're safe. An opinion is a statement of belief and everyone has the right to express theirs.

  2. I do  not know if it is illegal, however it is rude, and tacky.

  3. Illegal, no (though you could be sued.)

    Rude, yes (homosexuals are not, in fact, more feminine than the rest of the male population. Though they may feel less pressed to fake machismo.)

  4. It is called "Slander".

  5. Hi terrible influence,

    In the U.S. it isn't against the law to say something like this...but,in the land where lawsuits reign is always prudent to try and stay out of the path of one....

    More than likely, saying this guy is g*y will not result in anything...but you never know who you are dealing with and how they will take things...just look what happened when people on the yahoo discussion boards called that California lawyer got the discussion boards shut down and the lawyer demanding the heads of all the posters who dared to insult, one just never knows....

    by the way, if this man has a family than more than likely he would not be g*y...possibly bi-sexual..but not g*y....and the terms you want to watch for is "defamation of character " and "slander"

  6. I think you could be sued in britain if you published the claim, but not in the US.

    He does seem a bit gayish, but I understand he has a family, so if he's g*y he must be on the down low or something.

  7. Come on this guy is gorgeous.  Tall , handsome and  straight, not there's anything wrong with it.  LOL

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