
Is it illegal for my boss to fire me so that his daughter can take my job?

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I've worked really hard at my job and have never had any problems.




  1. As long as he's not firing you based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, etc. it's completely legal.  Would discrimination against non-family members fall under ethnicity?  probably not, but good luck making that argument.

  2. Unfortunatly unless you are under union or contract protection, you are pretty much working at will, and he can certainly let you go. On the plus side, you should be elligible for unemployment unless there is some other factor in play

  3. Depends on what state. Oregon for example has a "no reason" firing. Meaning that an employeer can fire you for no reason, but other states requires you to have a reason.

    Now if you think you got fired because of your race or something like that, then yes you can go after him. From what i read, he could easily play it off as he believes his daughter is more qualified than you, so he hired a better employee or maybe he could play it off that he could pay her less so it was a better business decision.

  4. Legally, he can fire you at any time, or any reason, or lack thereof.  It's in your employee handbook.

    I had something similar happen to me, so I know how it feels.

  5. In this country people are employed at will, unless there is an employment contract.  You can be fired for any reason, with no rights or recourse, unless it is one of the reasons specifically set forth under Title VII or your loal state's discrimination law.  They tend to be age, race, religion and gender.  Since this was not discrimination, it was not illegal for your boss to fire you.

  6. Unless you have a contract, he can fire you for any reason. Sorry, it happened to me a long time ago.

  7. It's called nepotism and it's wrong! I don't know if it's illegal though. I could call your local Labor Board and see what they have to say on the subject.

  8. When one is fired, a sound and rational reason must be given.  Period.   Any court will agree.  You'll see.

  9. yes he cannot fire you without a verbal warning an then a written warning..if he fires you go to citizens advice you could probably sue him  ..good luck

  10. It depends on the state in which you live. A friend of mine's father was in this situation. He lost his job due to the son taking over his job. You might want to see the laws in your state as far as employees go. Labor laws. Is your state an at-will employer-employee state? I live in Massachusetts and there wouldn't be anything I could do if I were in that position. I'm sure that it happens all of the time.  

  11. Unless you have a contract, yes he can. You are an at-will employee and can be fired for any reason, as long as it doesn't violate civil rights law.

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