
Is it illegal for two minors to have s*x?

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Or is like they have to be the same age? whats the reasons?




  1. not illeagal...

    answer mine;...

  2. Not illegal. Just stupid.

  3. Not illegal for 2 people underage, unless it was without consent. However its not very smart. Make sure you are using protection!  

  4. Nah.  Just incredibly stupid.

  5. Your question is reproduced here to preserve the original fact pattern to which this answer applies:

    Is it illegal for two minors to have s*x?  Or is like they have to be the same age? whats the reasons?  I live in san diego California. im 15 my boyfriends 17 i got in a talk with his dad about it im not considering it im just curious

    The quick answer to your question is "Yes, it is illegal."

    The age of consent in California is 18 years of age.  Section 261.5 of the California Penal Code covers unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and provides that in your case, where the age difference is less than three years, the crime is a misdemeanor.  The s*x with a minor is the crime-- so you would both be "guilty" of it were you to engage in "consensual" s*x right now.  (You can't actually "consent" because you aren't old enough.)  When your boyfriend turns 18, he'd then be guilty of a misdemeanor for having sexual relations with you.

    That said, it's unlikely that either of you would ever be prosecuted.  California prosecutes cases of underage s*x on a case-by-case basis.  

    And that has to do with the reasons you ask about.  The policy goal is to prevent young people from being victimized and to deter underage teens from engaging in s*x acts prematurely.  Prosecutors in California have neither the time nor the inclination to uncover the "consensual" s*x acts of near-in-age teens-- even when they are 18 and 16.  Imagine how busy the police would be and how packed the court system would be if Californians tried to ferret out and prosecute teens participating in a sexual acts with each other!

    There are other reasons for caution of course.  You should carefully consider all the possible consequences before you become sexually active.  Talk to the responsible adults in your life or health professionals for more information and guidance.

    [This is not legal advice. You should consult a licensed attorney-at-law for legal advice or representation before making decisions that may affect your legal rights.]

  6. yes any s*x is illegal if either partner is under age.

    and either partners legal guardian can be charged with statutory rape.

    The legal guardian is responsible for the minor's actions.

  7. Yes, in certain states, it is illegal

  8. Its better if u wait.I live in sd too.

  9. No its not illegal

    unless hes 18 or older

    and your under 18 other than

    that nope. just dont be dumb and do it in school

    like some retards do  

  10. Jamie-Lynne Spears did it with no consequences and it was all over the news!! so i suppose it is legal. a bit stupid if you ask me. . . .

  11. It is illegal, but it generally goes unpunished since it's so common.

  12. why do you think there called minors

  13. It depends on the state and the age of the minors.

  14. of course not. but it should be. if that was the case alot of people would be in jail including me . its only illegal if the person is over 18 and the other person is under the age of 17 .. 17 you are ok there not gonna make a big deal out of it.

  15. If you have s*x with a person who is under the legal age of consent,  it is statutory rape.  It does not matter if the other person is also under the age of consent,  it is still statutory rape.   Since both would be guilty,  both would have to file a complaint.   And since they were both under age they would both probably be treated as kids and get nothing but a hand slap.

    Assuming the girl does not get knocked up.   Then it is a whole new game.   Can you say MOMMY and DADDY and CHILD SUPPORT?

  16. nope. That's fine.





  18. the age of consent is 18 in most states, in a few states its 16 i believe. so in answer to your question, yes even if both of you are under aged its still illegal.  

  19. yes

  20. no just if a minor has s*x with an adult. need anyother help just email me =]

  21. nah as long as both are in consent and as long as one is not over 18 or else the other partner can call it rape and go to the police then it would be illegal

  22. only in the sense that any two other people having s*x would be illegal, such as involving violence, or in public. There must be consent.

  23. not illegal for two minors to have s*x, unless rape is involved.  

  24. Depending on the state yeah it is illegal. In Arizona for example if you are underage you must have parental consent to have s*x.

  25. As long as both are minors it's not illegal.  It becomes illegal when an adult is having s*x with a minor.

  26. minors are deemed children by law.

    two children cannot have s*x. it is breaking a law, but no one really cares as there are more pressing matters in the court room.

    Carnal knowledge is dead.

  27. Ask your parents.

  28. it truly depends on the situation. if the two are truly going to do this usually parental consent is needed for it to be legal. however in all truth it is the Grey area of these laws. the question then becomes one of morals. i guess it depends on the age. example: 2 6-10 year old children definitely more towards the illegal side. however the 15-17 year old is more fluctuating in society. so in order to tell i need ages.

    since you are 15 and he is 17 it probably isn't legal

  29. how old are you if your under the age of 18 you shouldn't be having s*x

  30. only if your dumb asses

  31. It's the jay walking of sexual crimes

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