
Is it illegal if you accidently disclose email addresses? I meant to put them in as BCC but forgot?

by  |  earlier

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is it illegal if you accidently disclose email addresses? I meant to put them in as BCC but forgot and now everyone has seen each others email address that purchased something from my website.

the email didnt disclose any other personal information as it was a feedback form - only their email addresses and the fact that they used my website .

i feel awful and have had a lot of nasty replies after sending a second apology email.

i just want to know if i can get in trouble with the data protection act. please advise.




  1. no you cant get in trouble if it was only for feed back purposes  

  2. No you can't.  An email address is not information covered by the DPA.

    You may have caused some embarrassment, or even distress by you actions, but that does not make them illegal (or unlawful)

    Given the nature of your website, you may want to hesitate before copying anyone to an email.  BCC is rarely if ever justified, in my view.  

  3. Of course you have gotten a lot of nasty replies.  If you aren't savvy enough to be more careful with other's information, you need to end this venture.  Other than the legality of your mistake, you can probably be sued.  Hopefully you were smart enough to have provided this business with liability insurnace.


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