
Is it illegal not paying an illegal inmigrant worker?

by Guest57276  |  earlier

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My husband is an illegal inmigrant ,he was working for a contractor that owes him now a month worth of pay ,where can i find legal help if any to make him pay ,by the way im a us citizen,thankyou.




  1. If you are a citizen, and he is your husband, then he does not qualify as an "illegal immigrant". Although you need to petition him, by default he is no longer an "illegal immigrant".

    That said, if he rendered the labor, the monies are due to him. He should take the employer to court if he refuses to pay.  

  2. I would contact the ACLU. He should be working legally however!

  3. Your husband can report him and he will be charged with, not paying an employee, hiring an illegal worker. off course to prove that your husband must present himself and will most likely deported.  This what you should do. have your husband threat him without living any trail behind, then he(the employer) cant report it to the police b/c it would be like hanging himself and your husband will see a dramatic raise on his next payday !

  4. He should really become legal. His boss doesn't have to pay your husband since hes illegal, he has no citzen rights. but yeah get a lawyer so they can pressure the boss with the issue so your husband can get paid, (Do it Fast)

  5. I am really shocked when I see awfull reactions and comments by people who dare criticizing the victim.

    Being an illegal immigrant is not a crime, and that's because of his being illegal inmigrant that he's also illegal worker.

    These are two different things.

    Of course, he may have some issues with the authorities because of having worked illegally, even if he is married to a US citizen, BUT the real guilty criminal is the contractor who hires an illegal on purpose and who takes benefit of the situation of the worker , so that he doesn't have to pay him his salary. That's nothing less than ROBBERY, and this contractor should be sued, prosecuted,trialed, condemned to pay a fine and even financial reparations.

    You Americans seem to forget that you all are descents of inmigrants who escaped Europe...And I don't even mention the descents of the slaves who do know what "being exploited" means.


    Stealing somebody's money by not paying the income he legitimately deserves for the work he accomplished, that is slavery too, and slavery  is a crime,and I hope this contractor will pay for that crime...

    Before accepting to work for this b*****, your husband should have asked him to be paid daily, and refused to keep on working if not paid.Then he would have been robbed for only one day of labour...

  6. It is illegal, but I am not sure how to deal with it w/o putting your husband at the risk of deportation. This type of abuse is so common that there must be an established way to deal with it.

  7. Are you aiding and harboring an illegal alien? HMMMM

  8. im not sure....go to the cops (or INS) and tell them that exact same story...VERBATIM...and see what they say

  9. Find legal help?  Are you crazy?  He's a criminal just as much as the person who hired him.  You're going to turn him and and get him in trouble for about $10?  Good luck.

  10. I suggest he go back to Mexico and hire a lawyer, go with him please.

  11. Nope.  Not illegal at all.  However, your husband could contact the ACLU and they will refer you to a lawyer who will most likely handle your case.

    In other words...your husband has no legal rights, but at the same time can probably get his money if he presses the issue (Especially in states like CA or NY where illegal immigrants are held on a pedestal)

  12. Contract law does not depend on national status, you would be well advised to talk to a lawyer and look at taking this to a small claims court. Your Husband's former employer may find religion when he receives a note from a lawyer.  

  13. how funny, i couldn't be happier that someone did something illegal to him. Ask him how it feels then he will know how the Americans feel about him and you for that matter. He didn't get some of our money to support his illegal butt here in the states how sad.  

  14. Sure, it's illegal... but what the fck are you going to do about it! That's the point in hiring illegal workers, you can take advantage of them as you please.  

    C'mon lady... you know how this works.

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