
Is it illegal or wrong to write articles on products you are trying to promote that you never bought or used?

by Guest32221  |  earlier

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Meaning, how can you write a review or article on something (i.e. a computer or a dieting program) if you have never bought or used it. Wouldn't this be cheating the consumer? Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. Sorry, I'm a beginner in internet marketing and have moral issues. Please explain why if you can. Thank you very much.




  1. I don't think there's anything wrong with writing articles on things you've never used, as long as you don't overdo what you say about the products. Don't say anything you don't know to be true and don't hype it up.

    Think about it this way - professional writers don't use everything they write about. They get paid to write an article, sales page or ebook and they do research to learn about the topics they're writing on.

    Besides, you aren't really supposed to 'promote' the product in your articles, anyway, because article directories won't accept them. You just need to learn about the topic, and write your articles on the topic.

  2. Copy writters do it all the time, chances are that the commecials you hear on radio and see on TV where written by someone reading straight from the clients brosure

  3. As the first poster indicated, copywriters promote products and services they've never personally used all the time. It's called advertising.

    When I was first starting out as a writer, I was shocked one day when I was told I had to write a letter from the company president that was to go on the back of a brochure. Naive as I was, I had assumed that a letter from a company president should be written by the president - not some lowly junior level copywriter.

    If you have a moral dilemma writing about things you've never used, then advertising may not be the career for you. But, at the same time, if you take it upon yourself as a writer to learn as much as you can about the products and services you are writing about, you should view copywriting as an opportunity to help consumers make better-informed buying decisions.

    I hope this helps.

  4. It isn't illegal but I agree that if you havent used a product or service you shouldn't "review" it. However that said sometimes on the job you do things you would not do in your own personal life.

  5. only review products that you bought or used it...that's the fairly thing to the way talking about products join this yahoo marketing group AND sharp up your taste on the link section of the same group,concerning to a huge selection of worldwide products...


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  7. what would you be trying to achieve by reviewing something you never used? If the truth would be found out - and you probably would trip yourself up eventually with something easily verified by someone actually familiar with the product, you would lose all credibility and be branded a fraud - if you were in business/running a website - you'd be out of business pretty quick after that

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