
Is it illegal to adjust your sat nav while driving? Has the law been passed?

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I always zoom in and zoom out of maps especially when approaching junctions, roundabout, etc on my sat nav. Will that make it illegal for me to do so?

The irony is that I am not adjusting my sat nav but making it easier to see




  1. yes you can get done, its called driving with out due care and attention

  2. yes it is it comes under due care and att.

    quick explain you are not watching the road if you are looking at the st nav and if you are touching the screen you are not in full control of your car as your hands are off the wheel

  3. Even if not illegal,  it is stupid.

    You are diverting your attention from your driving,  increasing the chances of involving yourself in a collision.   Pay attention to your driving and leave your toys alone.

  4. So when you are approaching areas that require more attention, you are actually paying less?  Please post your itinerary so people can stay away from you.  They really have to stop issuing driver licences at Army Surplus stores.

  5. "Distracted driver" laws that apply to cell phones and what-not tend to be locally generated.  The definitions, existance, and enforcement of such laws vary city to city.

  6. I am afraid it is illegal because to zoom in and out you have to take your hand away from the steering wheel. Recently a girl was fined for biting an apple while waiting at the red light.

    A lorry driver was punished because he removed the mobile from his pocket to keep it in the dash board. If you are lucky you can get away with murder but not with simple things.

  7. You don't need to look at it at all, let alone fiddle with it while you're driving.  Just listen to the voice instructions.  Ours are always on the far left so they don't obstruct the driver's vision (which in itself can get you into trouble).  You just need to reach across to programme it and never touch it again until you arrive.

    As already mentioned, there are the good old offences of careless driving, not being in proper control and, if necessary, dangerous driving.

  8. There does not need to be another law, the present law is sufficient.

    I believe that in doing what you are doing you are not properly in control of the car.

    If you are not properly in control of the car you are acting illegally and can be prosecuted if discovered; and it does occasionally happen.

    You should listen to the verbal instructions then you should not need to play about with the toy.

  9. Should you cause an accident whilst adjusting your sat nav, you WILL be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention.

    Drivers have been successfully prosecuted for causing accidents whilst changing Cd's or cassettes, smoking, eating, speaking or texting on a mobile phone, wiping the windscreen, etc, etc.

    What you are doing is dangerous.  You will cause an accident one day...

  10. Yes it is illegal to do so Technically you should have both hands on the wheel apart from indicatiing or changing gear, anything else can be deemed as driving without due care and attention, anyway with a sat nav why bother ? they tell you which exit to take on a roundabout and what tunring to take

  11. Zooming in and out on your satnav is adjusting it. Anything which takes your eyes off the road for even a second can be dangerous. Whether it is illegal or not should not matter - what is sensible matters.

  12. Unlike using a mobile phone, there's no specific law against adjusting sat-navs but you could be 'done' for driving without due care and attention.

    This is a catch-all law that means you could be prosecuted for any activity which the police deem to be reducing your ability to control the vehicle.

    Your motive (to zoom the screen) wouldn't help you - it's the act of 'distraction' itself that may be considered hazardous. They would argue that you shouldn't be watching the screen anyway, you should be watching the road junction.

    If they saw you reach over to 'fiddle' with the unit whilst you're approaching hazards such as junctions, lights, crossings etc. then you may get stopped, depending on how they are feeling. But if your car 'wobbled' when doing it then you will certainly be booked.

    It is this law that has been used to successfully prosecute people for eating and drinking whilst in a moving vehicle and even reading maps, doing paperwork, refilling pipes etc.

  13. You can be ticketed for failure to maintain control of your vehicle if the police see you.

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