
Is it illegal to advertise for babies on y/a adoption?

by  |  earlier

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OK! I just read a question right now and in times past from people advertising for babies. I think that is disgusting, it puts adoption in an evil light and gives anti-adoption people ammuntion. I understand a person's want to be a mother or father that is only natural. but to use a place like y/a to solict for young pregrant mothers, is beyond disgusting. I would fear that these young pregrant women would get taken advantage of. On top of that i think it casts a bad light on to adoptive parents who are going about adopting the right way!!

I just don't understand. can someone please explain!!




  1. It's illegal to advertise to buy or sell anything on Y!A.  Period.

  2. It is against the TOS to solicit anyone for anything on y/a.

  3. I think there are some people that are very desparate to try anything.  I have seen it on forums all over the place.  I know that the people active on this forum are just as disturbed about it as I am.

  4. I don't think it is illegal. As a birthmother myself, I am well aware of the legal processes of adoption. Although it is really tacky, and not a very good show of character, some people think that advertising like that is the easy way to adopt.

    I just ignore all of it. They are wrong, plain and simple. They think that by having a private adoption without an agency, that it will be cheaper, and they will not have to have a background check.

    The truth is though, regardless of how the birth and adoptive parents meet, unless they are close relatives, a full background check is required. There are also court costs, and they will need a lawyer. This is the law in every state.

    I do feel horrible for any women that might contact them though. The reason most people try private adoption is because they have been denied by formal agencies. Usually this is because of criminal or financial reasons, but plain and simple these people have in most cases already been deemed unfit.

  5. Solicitations of any type are forbidden by Y!A terms of service. Posts soliciting babies (or potential parents) should be reported.

  6. I read that too I thought it was a male trying to adopt.Too many nutcases.Y/A is not a place for want Ads for babies.

  7. I don't think it was serious, You can usually tell 'cause of their prevoius Q's. and lack of points. just startin' trouble to stir the pot.

  8. Yes I would think this was illegal... Kind of like buying babies over the internet... the same deal really.

    was the question actually asking if anyone had a baby they were willing to put up for adoption? or was it asking where an agency or something was...

    and if its not illegal it certainly should be!! the handover would have no legal standing and what if the birth parents wanted the child back? its just wrong! do it the right way guys don't sink that low...

  9. I just saw that question too and was in the process of answering when it was deleted.  I had a very bad feeling about that poster and CONGRATS to those who answered quickly and chased him away.  He was not question.  There was something creepy about that posting

    This site continues to enlighten me.  unbelievable.


  10. I don't think this is the place for that. It seems very unethical to me. There are other ways to expand your search. I think with the Internet, you risk setting yourself up for major disappointment!

  11. I totally agree with you

    It's against Y!A? TOS to solicit in any way, not to mention advertising for a baby on the internet just goes against any common decency

    I guess folks will go to any lengths to get what they feel they are entitled to, you see them all over myspace too, it's just really icky and I hope that no judge would rubber stamp any adoption that has been solicited this way (I can live in hope!)

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