
Is it illegal to be drunk on a plane? And does the airline make you sign something if you get drunk?

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I got a flight from Atlanta to Paris 3 years ago and I had 3 pints of beer and 2 double chasers before I got on the flight. On the flight Air France provided 2 small lager, Kronenbourg which was a major mistake, it's my favourite lager. To cut a long story short I helped my self to their drinks cart which the air steward had left next to the back restroom and I woke up in France as we were landing. All I remember was dancing in my seat to my ipod and signing some paperwork.

The air crew were horrified at my seat when they came to wake me up, I had beer cans every where and mini bottles of wine.

So what did I sign? Was it a customs form? Or some kind of a waiver for my drunkeness?




  1. yes it is illegal it is considered an out of control passenger and the plane will be landed immeadietly and the passenger(s) will be arrested on the tarmat

  2. The airlines have the right to forbid you boarding if you appear drunk.  They have the right to refuse to serve you for the same reason.  You are not permitted to serve yourself, either alcohol you brought along or pilfered.  

    I have no idea what you may have signed.

  3. They may have filled out a passenger incident report to account for missing inventory, or your behavior during your blackout. If is been 3 years, and you haven't heard anything, I wouldn't worry about it. Custom forms are not needed for flying into France.

  4. You probably signed a customs form, but you should check on that.

    If you are drunk and disorderly, you could be arrested.  Sounds like you were only embarrassing yourself.  No harm no foul.  I doubt you signed anything about being drunk, but you must sign a customs form when you cross the ocean, so that's probably what it was.

    There might be an extra charge for all the stolen drinks on your credit card when you get home.

    There was an incident not terribly long ago where a woman got onto a plane, already drunk, had a couple of drinks on the plane, slapped her small children in front of Gd and everyone, and then tried to *****-slap one of the flight attendants, at which time she was arrested, removed in Denver to the jail, and her children (poor little things) taken into state custody, where they were put into the system or returned to responsible family members, I'm not sure which, but not back to the mom, who is now undergoing some sort of treatment.

    If you didn't get that drunk, you're probably free.

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