
Is it illegal to brew beer if you're underage?

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Im 19 and I have brewed beer with people of drinking age, but Im thinking about buying my own equipment. Is that illegal?




  1. Each state has different laws. I would call your states office to see what are the laws in your state. For instance in the state of Louisiana it is legal for an 18 year old to sell alcohol but obviously not consume it.

  2. It really depends on your state, but for most of them no it is not illegal.

  3. I'd guess it probably is, but as long as you don't make a big deal about it, you'll be fine.

  4. As long as you don't make a big deal of it, I'm sure no one will really care. Anyone can buy the equipment. Who's to say it's not a gift for your mom or dad? Heck, if someone asks you about it, just tell them you're buying it for your mom or dad.

    Good luck and have fun with your home brew.

  5. who cares lad! just buy the equipment and let the good times roll!  any other country in the world ud be legally drinking!

  6. It is illegal, yes.

    They don't card you to buy equipment or ingredients, though, and I can't think of any reason why you would ever get caught.

  7. NO, IT IS NOT.  It is illegal to consume it, however.

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