
Is it illegal to clone somebody?

by  |  earlier

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if not how do I it?




  1. I find it hard to believe it's a confirmed illegal act, seeing as we have yet to successfully clone a human (as far as the major public knows). Taking into account moral judgment on this one, many people feel it should be illegal while others feel nothing wrong with the issue. Look at it this way: we won't actually know if it will be legal until after the government has had time to debate the issue. Like Mohammed said, nature vs. nurture determines the person so what you have is a clone but at the same time an individual. We can see the same thing with identical twins, each genetically identical but a separate person with a separate and unique life. As for how... see Mohammed's answer...

  2. well first you --- well noeone really knows now do they

    you seriously would like to clone someone... don't worry thats not odd at all...


  3. h**l no i do it all the time...

    ; )

  4. take a sharp edge, any kind will do.  slice said human specimen horizontally right above the pelvic bone.  contrary to popular belief, humans have the remarkable ability to respawn any lost body parts, sort of like a starfish.  therefore, the bottom half will form an upper half, and vice versa.  viola!  youve got yourself a clone.

  5. In the US. It is questionable. Government does not fund research that uses human embryos. To clone someone you have to have allot of money and a sergeant mother. You need a human egg and replace the nucleus of the cell with the nucleus of a cell from the person you are trying to clone. Then you need to zap the cell with some electricity to begin the replication/growth process. (You may have to do this many times until you get a viable embryo). Then put the embryo into the uterus of the sergeant mother and wait nine months. If the baby survives you have a clone.

    Disclosure: They person that is cloned may not act the same as the final clone since it is nature and nurture that determines what kind of person the baby becomes.

    If you pull this off you will overcome one of the most difficult obstacle in cloning research. And may will allot of many as well as the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Good luck and please let me know if you pull it off. (also I would like a little bit of the money you make) Thanks.

  6. You cant possibly clone someone. Even todays cant figure it out.

    I mean look what happened to Dolly the goat.

  7. yes it is

  8. u-huh.


    good luck.

    why do you want to do that?

  10. As in to steal an identity, yes.

    If you genetically cloned someone im sure you'd be very rich

  11. you can try

  12. Yes

  13. I guess it should be alright if you have their permission, but good luck doing it though

  14. It's more than illegal, it's IMPOSSIBLE!

  15. YES! OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BY :)

  16. why?

    do you want to clone someone?

    Good luck.

  17. yes it is !

  18.  I haven't heard about cloning in years. Faced with global warming, and the oil crisis we just forget about the prospect of cloning.

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