
Is it illegal to close an electric pool cover over someone's head?

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My mom closed our electric pool cover over my and my friend's heads in the pool because we didn't get out when she told us to. We didn't get out and she just closed it right over our heads. My dad told me it was illegal to even close the pool cover at all when someone was in it. Is that true? My mom was there at the time, but when I brough it up she just laughed and said he was joking when he obviosly wasn't. So is it illegal or not? Please use sources.




  1. yes,its a matter of gets weirder if your friends are minors.

  2. legislatures do not pass special laws for every stupid thing that someone might do.  They do not pass special laws for closing a pool cover.  Instead, the pass general laws prohibiting things like child endangerment.  There are a million ways to illegaly endanger a child, and that is probably one of them but a court would have to know more about the pool, the cover, the child, etc, to know of closing that particular cover on that particular pool over that particular child amounted to child endangerment.

  3. OF COURSE IT IS! That's child endangerment at the very least. There are loads of other charges that can be brought against her though, depending on the ages of you and your friends. That was reckless of her, and you could have gotten seriously hurt. I do hope there was space between the water line and the pool cover. If there wasn't at least a foot of space, you could have been killed. That was /very/ foolish. What if you had had a panic attack? Oh.... I'm going to stop, because this could go on forever in varying degrees of outrage and I'm-very-disappointed-in-you tones. I hope you are all okay. You can always call child protection services or DCF if you're scared, or if something like this happens again, or if you feel that it is appropriate.

  4. Well, yeah, but if you're not dead then theoretically no wrong occurred.

    If you prosecute, then this sounds more like a stepmom-stepson relationship more than anything.

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