
Is it illegal to count cards in casinos, i watched the movie 21?

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in the movie it makes it seem like its illegal and cheating to use ur brain while playing. they beat up the people an black mail them and in the end the casino guy (idk who he is) takes the kids money for himself. why can the kid tell on him like hey this guy stole my money and is beating me up. im not a card player so i dont understand the movie much lol. but my dad is a player and my bf is a manger at a bingo/casino so they understand id ask them but they would just make fun of me :( lol. so i would like it if u didnt make fun of me.




  1. While it's technically not illegal, it is frowned upon and the casino does reserve the right to kick you out at anytime and ban you from ever coming back.

    I doubt they still take people to the back room and beat them up nowadays, they'd be sued pretty quick.

  2. It's not illegal, but the casino has the right to toss, and ban, you if they think you're doing so.

  3. card counting is not Nevada casinos are private clubs so they can ask you to leave the blackjack area.   if you don't it is trespassing and they can have you arrested...if you are winning big by counting cards more likely they will first ask if you would like a suite, a fine bottle of champagne and a woman...get you drunk, get you laid and get you back playing stupid new jersey it is illegal to ban a player for blatantly counting cards.   if however they catch you they will most likely get you drunk and get you laid.

  4. It is not illegal to count cards in the casino.  The casinos just don't like it.  If you are suspected of counting cards, the casino manager will either flat bet you or permanently evict you from the property.  Depending on how good you are.

  5. Its not illegal if your losing. Lets say that much. Card counting only gives a small percentage favorite over the house and the movie 21 exagerated everything out of proportion. Usually when you play blackjack, you lose. If your really that good at card counting and you start to win the casinos can kick you out but you have to be winning a lot for that to happen. In the movie he got beat up badly but now I've heard they just tie you up and scare you so you don't do it again. Las Vegas you also have to remember has its own rules. There really aren't any policemen to save you.

  6. No, card counting is not illegal.  Casinos often try to portray it as such, however.  They've even taken it to the courts at times, but the decision is often that card counting is not cheating, but instead a smart strategy.

    However, casinos *do* have control over who can play (it's their property after all), so if they believe somebody is counting cards, they absolutely have the legal right to throw 'em out of the casino.

  7. Card counting is pointless, they shuffle too often.

  8. yes it is illegal to count cards at the casino don't evn try it

  9. In order to count cards successfully you need these things:

    - A HUGE bankroll to overcome variance

    - A flawless understanding of blackjack strategy (you must make NO mistakes)

    - A rediculous amount of time on your hands to sit at the blackjack table all the while concentrating on the numbers.

    - The discipline to completely control your emotions and impulses

    A very good card counter under optimal house rules can maybe obtain a .5% statistical edge over the house.  At that rate, you would need to play for a very long time to show any significant growth of your bankroll aside from positive variance (aka: luck).  It really is a lot of work for little gain... unless you have a bankroll in excess of 1 million dollars and can afford to risk $1000 a hand.  In that case, the .5% edge over time yields a whopping $5 per hand expected value over  many many hands.  (It is a lot more complicated, but that is the general statistics of it).

    To answer your question though, it is not illegal to count cards.  You will get noticed though, moving your bets with a count at that level, far sooner than enough time to show a statistical edge.  The casino reserves the right as a private company to refuse service to anyone, and when asked to leave they can and will press trespassing charges against you should you try and return.

  10. Its not illegal, and yes, many card coutners have become rich from legal settlements resulting from being harrassed in casinos for applying a ****playing strategy*** which is all it is nothign more nothign less.

  11. It's just a movie.  While casinos used to be some mob run thing, these days they are all major multi million dollar corporations.  If they ever did take someone into a back room and beat them up, they'd end up paying millions in a lawsuit.

    Card counting is not illegal.  And the fact is casinos like it.  Because they know most people who try it fail horribly.  If they spot someone who can do it really well, they just ask them to leave or ultimately ban them.

  12. COUNTING CARDS IS NOT ILLEGAL. Card counting is a skill and strategy. It's only frownd upon by casinos. It's hard to prove someone is counting cards, so they prohibit it. But if you know how to, then do it. Just don't get caught because you can be asked to leave the casino. COUNTING CARDS IS NOT ILLEGAL.

  13. no, but they dont like it when you do.  if caught, they will ask you to leave and not return.

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