
Is it illegal to cross a railroad if the train tracks dont work???

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ok i have this club named the oasis and its a forest thiny and to get to it you gotta cross the rail road but me nd my friends think they dont work i do alot of c**p back there and then one day we found a boxcar just laying there i wonder how it got there please aswer asap i dont wanna get in trouble and only serious anzwers




  1. ALWAYS ASSUME THAT THE TRACKS ARE IN USE.  Unless you can see that some of the tracks have been removed, consider the track in use.

  2. You need to be more careful how you describe your activities on a public forum like this.  What kind of c**p?  Would the police be interested?

    There are many railroad lines that are only used occasionally, but are still considered to be in service.  In almost all cases, it is trespassing to walk along the tracks or engage in any activities on the railroad right of way.

    As mentioned, if you simply cross straight across the tracks and go about your business, you will probably not be seen, and the railroad will not care about it.  But be careful.

  3. If the tracks cross a road or property, of course you can step across them to cross....but you're not supposed to LINGER on the tracks, generally speaking. Exceptions may be when embedded in a public street or sidewalk, and they're legally inactive , then you can cross without fear

    If the tops of the track are very rusty, then they are probably rarely used or abandoned.

    If you want to find out if they're active, then you need to follow them to a main track line to see if they have blocks on them, or tracks torn up to prevent useage. If you see neither, then they can still be used and active, just very rarely.

    Some private branch line probably fell into disuse, then the owner abandoned the rail line. That's why you see overturned cars, misc. c**p back there. It's not a mainline concern, due to private ownership of the branch line, most likely.

    You may still be guilty of trespassing, but if the owners are long gone, and no one keeps tabs on the place, I guess you visit it at your own risk. Obviously neat places to visit.

    There's an old industrial park in Richmond, VA with the mainline access tracks torn up going into the park, so I walked the tracks freely. Most of the buildings were not used, or the tracks were going down public streets and sidewalks. Didn't find any neat stuff like abandoned rail cars, though. :)  But fun to see the stuff.

    - The Gremlin Guy -

  4. only serious answers?  

    never mind then.

  5. Cross or STAY on the railroad? How long does it take you to cross the railroad that it would make it illegal!?! It shouldnt be illegal unless you are doing something ON them that is!

  6. Techincally yes, someone owns the property so you are trespassing, in some cases the public is allowed on railroad property to gain access to walking or hiking areas.

    Are the rails rusty or shiny, that will at least tell you if the tracks get used occassionally or not at all.

    If the tracks are truly out of service, technically you are still trespassing but if all you do is cross, and do not hang around on the property no one is likely to say anything.

    As for the car laying there, it happens. Perhaps it was derailed and either the line was about to be abandoned or there was no equipment nearby thast was heavy duty enough to pick it up.

    I can show you half a dozen abandoned boxcars on various lines taht werent worth the scrap value of the steel to pick them up.

    always always always be careful around tracks, please.

    Just because you dont see trains for a long period of time, they still operate from time to time and those are the ones that kill people because no one is looking.

  7. Think you had better rethink the way you ask a question for this is extremely confusing. Are the tracks not in operation? How did a box car get on the tracks? What is " the lot of c**p back there" Are you saying that the tracks are not part of a main line and may be part of a spur? If the tracks are posted with signs which say " Do not trespass." that is illegal. If not you are trespassing at your own risk.

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