
Is it illegal to do this senior prank. I want to either put hay in my teachers classroom or bubblewrap their c

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  1. Well If you REALLY hate your teacher do it, BUT make sure none of your friends tell on you...

  2. I would think twice about any prank.  You never know when you might want this teacher's recommendation or other help. Don't burn any bridges with people who might be of assistance to you in the future.  (This probably wasn't what you wanted to hear, but - hey, I'm a teacher!)

  3. It really depends on whether or not your teacher finds it amusing.  Otherwise, you'll probably end up with a fine at the very least, as well as at least one misdemeanor.

  4. our kids took all the phone books they could find and one mornign we found them piled up in front of both entrances in boxes with plaster over them so u had to open the box to move them - luckily we moved them before school started-  but the seniors had to pay for the skip to take away the thousands f books they left for us!

  5. Depends on which teacher will take it seriously.  But i really doubt their gonna call the cops, that would be a lame reason.

  6. well baby oil in the hallways was a big hit at our school. just put it all over the halls and watch em' fall!

  7. no because u could get in trouble

  8. Whatever you do, don't post it out here, dude someone can come in and read it and figure out it was you.

  9. go with the bubblewrap.. hay can cause allergic reactions and so on, and I'm sure you'd rather avoid that.. bubblewrap is safe, and usually hilarious ;)

  10. both are illegal...the hay in the classroom is violating school could also be charged with breaking and entering...bubble wrapping the car can also be seen as illegal because you could damage someone else's property...

  11. yes, please go to your nearest police station and ask what "criminal mischief" is defined as. Im sure you'll find both are...

    You do know that it will not be that teacher who will be cleaning up your mess - correct? You will be charged with a crime as well as clean up costs - very easy for a silly kid who has never had a car to think its funny - wait till you get the cost of paint repair added to your fine - or worse the hourly rate of all the janitors that had to clean your mess - remember that the *each* might make more per hour than your teacher.

    have fun in court!

  12. i don't think it is

  13. Yes.

    It's illegal.

    Timmy will kill you with the hay.

  14. BAHAHAHAHAHA! No, it's not. LOL. but it's hilarious. You should do it. XD!

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