
Is it illegal to download sons from limewire??

by  |  earlier

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I mean, I hate paying for songs, but I don't want to get in trouble because I get a 20,000 dollar fee for using illegal services....

Thought please?




  1. yes it is illegal, but the odds of you getting caught...i wouldnt even worry about it.  

  2. Soooooo.... you hate doing the legal thing, but you don't want to be CAUGHT being a thief.

    How about this: Pick one. Either buy your music legally, or be prepared to get sued into bankruptcy and just hope you don't get caught if you download copyrighted music for free.

    Now, having said that, you have options for LEGAL free downloading of music, provided you're willing to look into alternatives. There is an alternative to what we know as modern copyright called Creative Commons. Creative Commons is a group of licenses that allow distribution and modification of an artist's work outside of the restrictions modern copyright imposes. Usually, Creative Commons content is available for free. (Usually CC content requires that the original artist be credited for their work in any distribution of that work or derivatives thereof--some CC licence variants do not allow modification.) Some musicians and bands have released some or all of their stuff under Creative Commons.

    Also, there is the Podshow Music Network at -- the PMN exists to fill a need for podcasters (basically internet radio if you've never heard of podcasts) and musicians to network up together. Artists put their music online with the PMN on the understanding that the songs they upload can be played by any member of the PMN for the purposes of sharing the artist's music--this means the artist gets more exposure. This ALSO protects the podcaster by allowing them to play music from an artist they like without having to fear copyright lawsuits, because the artist specifically put that music on the PMN for this. (Music NOT on the PMN, however, is not fair game.)

    You must be a registered podcaster to download songs from the Podcast Media Network. Anyone can register and it is free.


    Oh, and also, if you use a P2P network, you're likely to get nasty viruses and spyware everywhere when you're not looking, because NOTHING is free, unless the person making it is giving it away.

  3. eh, I'm mean it's downloading, but there are certain forms of limewire that you pay for. So I guess overall . . . yes, but I certainly understand where you're coming from. like the guy above me said, the chances of you getting caught are slim. just so long as you don't go around giving the songs to other people on cds

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