
Is it illegal to drink and surf?

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Is it illegal to drink and surf?




  1. I don't know if it is illegal but it sure is dumb.

  2. Don't think so, but only a total idiot would do it!!!

  3. its legal, and actually if they don't allow open bottles on the beach, technically its legal to do it out in the water

  4. I dont think it´s ileagal but i dont think its wise plus you can fall easily cos your drunk and you have to balance.

    Good Luck

  5. Nope, because once you are off the beach and in the water you are not on private or regulated territory.

    That said, I know plenty of beach communities where the cops primary source of income is fining people for that sort of thing, and they will hassle you anyway. But the fact is, if you don't have the beverage in hand while your feet are on he shore, its hard to see how they can bust you.

    As for these jokers saying its foolish; there is such a  thing as moderation... they seem to be assuming you are talking about Jaeger shots or something :-)

  6. not illegal just dumb

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