
Is it illegal to drive through a Drive Thru In Reverse?!

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So I'm thinking of playin around at my McDonalds... if I were to pull up to the windows in reverse... could I be arrested or fined? Do you see anything wrong with this idea? - Planning to be late at night and the only ones in the car....

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  1. Erm... I think legally, it counts as a road with one-way traffic, meaning if you reverse or drive the wrong way, you're driving in the wrong direction and you could possibly be fined for that.

    Arrested, I don't think so, but a fine is a possibility of the police happens to be there, and in a bad mood. But probably not.

  2. If you did it here, where I live would utterly throw the world as we know it off it's axis. It's confusing enough when you tell them NO MUSTARD if I were to try this while driving backwards in reverse...well I just don't see it ending well for all parties involved.

    But I do not believe it is long as your in a vehicle it's ok.

  3. No. It is completely legal. I work at McDonald's, and we have had someone do that before. We've even had people come through the drive thru on horses. As long as you pay and receive your food without holding up the line, and as long as you have clothes on, I'm sure you'll be fine.


    Although, you have to go through the windows in order. Order your food, then pay, then receive. You can't go through the windows in reverse order.

  4. I think it would just cause confusion..theyd be like..where did this car come from? it didnt go over the sensor, or take an order. it would be really funny, except i know for a fact they wouldnt take your order

  5. Technically fig leaves might. >.> depends on what the actualy wording of the public indecensy law says. Should look into that lol. We could just dress as complete s***s. Like....Thongs and shirts much less covering than a bra. >.> they let you get away with that shite on the beach. LOL

    Im totally coming with you by the way. XD And I dont think there is a law against drinving backwards. Just driving on the wrong side of the road. So.... go threw the right way. Just in reverse.

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