
Is it illegal to edit wikepedia pages?

by Guest65979  |  earlier

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My friend did and I'm not sure if she made the right decision? She said she was dating a certain celebrity on it. No naming who the person is. Is it illegal to do so?




  1. No its not ilegal lol.. thats why a lot of teachers and proffessors won't let you use it as a reference. Because anyone can edit them.

  2. It is a wiki so it is not illegal to edit it, that is the point, but wikipedia checks their pages to make sure that people have cited sources so it will probably be deleted in a few days.

  3. It is not illeagal. Wikipedia has admin that check every page and if the article is not legit, it is deleted within seconds.

  4. i don't know good question i'm not sure if it's illegal or not

  5. No, it's not illegal but some people get really annoyed when ppl do that.

    I don't do it (cuz i don't know how, lol) but it's just a joke and someone will fix it anyways.

  6. if it was, you wouldn't have the option to, but writing stuff like that is wrong, and Wikipedia does have editors that come by and check out edits, and when they find your IP Address your in trouble, so change it back.

  7. No.

    short answer.

    that's all you need to know.

  8. No, when I was younger, like 11, me and my friend would do that all the time, and no I was never in juvey, now we have moved on to bigger and better things, prank calling Poland Springs,not illegal either, so much fun LOL! They just edit it out and if you have an account they will send you an email complaining about it.

    No big deal, if you get up the nerve you should try it too, its fun!!! =D

  9. No, but what she wrote about her dating a celebrity will get deleted and it would count as vandalism.

  10. I dont think so

    but if it is

    alot of people do it anyways

  11. No, there are no legal implications at all.

    It IS vandalism, however.

    You need to stop thinking of the Internet as some super-strict policed medium. Doing something you're not supposed to doesn't make it ILLEGAL, and the FBI is not going to burst into your home and arrest you in the middle of dinner.

    Nobody really cares what you do online, law enforcement or otherwise. There are laws concerning your use of computers, but these cover seriously dangerous stuff, like child p**n, fraud, and theft.

    Governments cracking down on people editing Wikipedia articles or MySpace messages or YouTube videos is just plain silly. It's like being arrested because eating your pizza crust-first is "illegal". It's silly.

    You're young, I get that, but you need to understand that EVERYTHING isn't as big a deal as you think it is.  

  12. It is not illegal, it is unethical. You won't get in trouble.

  13. Wikipedia is updated and written by the users.  It's not illegal but it's against user policy to update with fictitous or erroneous info.  Likely it will be edited out but it defeats the purpose to have people putting c**p in wikipedia.

  14. You may commit an illegal or tortious act while editing Wikipedia, just as you may commit such an act while talking or publishing a newspaper. An illegal act would be to threaten to kill someone, a tortious act would be to libel someone or violate their privacy. To put information into Wikipedia that you are dating a celebrity is probably not a crime (although it could be if she were married and lived in Saudi Arabia), nor tortious (although it could be if your information was false or malicious or damaged their reputation.

    The major problem with such information is that it is not notable, not important enough to be included in Wikipedia.

  15. Totally NOT illegal, just frowned upon.  The people will revert it, unless there's a source saying that she/he's dating that celebrity.

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