
Is it illegal to hang political posters at work (visible if my locker is open)????? Yes or No?!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a locker directly above me that I keep open when I'm at work. But as soon, as I leave I lock it up. Now.... Can I get fired for hanging a picture of a presidential nominee's face??? It's not like I have a bunch of c**p hanging from my cubicle. I just want to know if I can get in trouble under California's Workplace Policies..... Thanks!




  1. No, it's not illegal.

    Nor, though, is it illegal for your boss to instruct you not to do so and to fire you if you disobey him.

    A lot depends on where you work. If you're a secretary for the Aryan Nation, and you have an Obama poster up, you're likely to be fired.


  2. Say you're related and then it's on them to prove you aren't.

  3. Check with your human resources dept. before you do anything.  A private company will usually have rules to keep things that might cause disagreements out of the work place.

  4. Definitely not illegal.  However, most work places have a rule that you cannot put "questionable" material in your office space. Questionable is defined as anything that might be offensive to someone else, or compromise their personal beliefs.  

    If your work does not implicitly state that you cannot put up political collateral in your office, it should be fine.  And if they do have an issue with it, HR can ask you to take it down.  You can NOT e fired though, as that would be discrimination based on personal belief and political preference..

  5. You can get fired for just about anything, including exercising your first amendment rights.  If the company wishes to keep politics out of the workplace, and you refuse, expect to be fired.

  6. Your employer has the right to refuse to allow you to hang political posters but he must apply the rule equally. He cannot allow Obama, for example and refuse to allow McCain or vice versa.

  7. California workplace policies allow each company to set its own rules on this. So yes, you can get in trouble if your company says its not allowed.  


  9. Illegal, no. Against your companies policies...maybe.

  10. It isn't your personal space - it belongs to the company. You can be fired (legally) if you don't comply. Check your employee handbook.

  11. nope its called freedom of speech, its only wrong when it is an Obama poster

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