
Is it illegal to have a crockadile as a pet in NYS (new york state)

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okay so i went to flordia and saw a guy holding a little crockadile at a airboat ride and he wasent doing anything just sitting there so i got to wondering if i could have a crockadile or an alagater as a pet in NYS




  1. I don't know if it is illegal or not but if it isn't than here's some advise. If you want crocodile or alligator as a pet, get it when it is a baby. Then when it grows keep getting a bigger tank for them to grow in. When it grows bigger to the point you can't put it in a tank call animal control.

  2. ummm duh

  3. If you can't spell the names you shouldn't own one... and yes... it is in all states without a license.  

  4. most likely but im just guessing that if its a certain size you might be able to

    i would call your local police station (not 911)

  5. no

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