
Is it illegal to have a friend going to vegas put a bet in for you?

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Is it illegal to have a friend going to vegas put a bet in for you?




  1. no, its legal

  2. Even if it were illegal, who's going to know?  Do you think your friend is going to report you to the police?  Do you think they interview all the gamblers in Vegas about why they are placing a wager?

  3. I don't know, but its only illegal if you get caught

  4. No it isn't. Who's going to know about it? You and your friend? Think about it. The only legal thing is your payment and "tip" should your bet win. Make sure you have "contract" written or verbally agreed upon by both of you. Written is better and signed. If your bet loses, it's on you. If it wins, discuss how much your friend receives for placing the bet and how much you expect in return. Most people have a verbal, handshake "contract" however.

  5. no, but if they win you will most likely lose your money.

  6. As long as your friend is 21. How would you now if he/she won though? Do you trust this person if they win a grand with the money you gave them? Why can't you go to Vegas yourself to place your bet?

  7. If your friend is of legal age, how could it be illegal to have someone do a legal act for you???  The real question should be, how are you gonna know he did it, and if you won, how would you know?  I guess you could have him place a sports bet for you and bring you the ticket, but other than that, it is his word on what happened.  Good luck.

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