
Is it illegal to have s*x under 18 in Indiana---Help!!!

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Ok I'm under 18 and I want to have s*x with someone else that is under 18 is it illegal in Indiana?




  1. What difference does it make? By the way i used to have a couple of 5 year olds live down the street from me they did it(got caught). nobody should know about it but you and the other right?

  2. According to this:,2933,2885...

    No. If you do have s*x, make sure you use protection no matter what.  Make that 2 forms of protection.

  3. The age of consent in Indiana is 16 so if you are this age or higher you are fine.

  4. i think is 16 the minimum age...

  5. yes.

    wait till your at least 18.

  6. Age of consent varies by state. In Indiana the legal age of consent is 16. Do it dawg!--- just make sure she's that old. Glad I could help. I have two sources on this. You are good.

  7. That law isn't even close to being enforced.  Cops don't spot check people's houses to make sure kids aren't having s*x.  They aren't ever going to know, so don't even worry about legal issues.

  8. Age of consent is 16.

    But wait until you're ready.

  9. No its not illegal thanks to a new law that just went into effect last july. As long as your not under 14 and theres a 4 year difference.

    GO FOR IT.

  10. you should wait because of pregnancy and stds

    long as your both over 16 there is nothing the state can do.

    but please thing it over

    1 in 4 high students have stds and get pregnant

    check this site before you do anything

    "you can love without s*x and have s*x without love"

    and use protection

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