
Is it illegal to jump off London bridge?

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i want to know if it is legal to jump off London bridge and if its illegal do you know what the sentence is e.g a fine or prison




  1. I'm not sure if its illegal

    i certainly know its not encouraged you could die it would be very dangerous and then you would find it difficult getting back to the shore because the Thames is a tidal river and has a very fast current so you may be swept from London bridge all the way to the Thames barrier where you will be crushed.

    good luck anyway :)

  2. u dont have to worry about prison if u jump of it theres a high chance u might die

  3. you will get sent to prison if you survive but considering the river thames is not a health river which has a lot of sewage from the victorian ira the odds of you dying are high therefore you would not be sent to prison.

  4. -  They pull about 50 bodies a year out of the Thames. The bridge is about 29 ft high. It has to be illegal, since it is impossible that any city would permit swimming in a river with fast currents and heavy boat traffic. I am not sure how many people survive to be prosecuted.

      The legendary London bridge was demolished in 1831. The replacement was sold and reconstructed in Lake Havasu, AZ. The current bridge, finished in 1973, is a fairly non-descript structure. If you saw it you wouldn't even think twice about it if you didn't know it's name.


    If you did jump you would have to try and scramble up the London Bridge City Pier about 240 yards downstream. That's the pier where the the river cruises go out of.

    If you survive the jump and miss the pier, there is a good chance that you will be drown in the currents on your way to the North Sea.

  5. Strangely enough, I do not think it is.

    However, it is highly dangerous because there is mud beneath the bridge into which you would have a high chance of being sucked. (It is marginally safer jumping off London Bridge than Tower Bridge).

    My gut feeling is that a jump off of London Bridge, which did not kill you, would attract a prosecution as a public nuisance, for which you can be jailed.

  6. you would probably get a fine but if you are jumping as in you want to commit suicide then you dont need to worry about fines or prison as you will most likely be dead

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