
Is it illegal to let my 14 year old son drive me home when I'm drunk?

by  |  earlier

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I know he's only 14 but a very safe driver.




  1. LOL, your not serious.  You just made that up to get a rise out us.  If you did that then you should be thrown in jail and charged with child abuse and your kid should be in foster care where he can have a real mother that will take proper care of him.  But, you made that up because no mother would be that stupid.

  2. LOL Yes it is illegal to let your 14 year old son drive. But look at it this way once he is able to obtain a license you can be a irresponsible parent and your kid can pick his drunk parent up when they are setting a very bad example.

  3. I sure hope you are kidding.  Even asking this question shows you are irresponsible as a parent.  Of course it's illegal, and you can be charged with endangering the welfare of a child, at the very least.  At 14 how the heck is he a safe driver??  He isn't even allowed to have a permit, therefore he shouldn't be driving and you couldn't know he is a "very safe driver".  He barely knows how to tie his shoes and match his socks at 14.

  4. Your kidding right?!

    Yes it is illegal.

    Even if he's a good driver anything can happen,

    another car could cause an accident.

    What is your son doing with you when you are that drunk?

    Protective Services could get involved if they think you're putting your child in danger.

  5. Yes it is...and you will also get arrested for neglect and endangerment of a child...moron

  6. Illegal...yes. A good idea...absolutely. Make sure he swings by Taco Bell on the way home too. :)

  7. Safety first.  Treat him with an extra nip of brandy when you get home.

  8. It's illegal, not to bright, and can result in charges against both of you.

    Your son would be charged with driving without a license.  He would have his driving privileges suspended once he had a license to suspend.

    You would likely be charged with child abuse/neglect, public intoxication, knowingly allowing an unlicensed driver to use your vehicle, and a few other charges.

    It would be better, and safer to just take a cab ... or better yet, don't get wasted when you are not home!

  9. I hope that as a result of this someone recognizes you and reports this child abuse to the proper authority. This is child abuse, placing your child at risk pure and simple.

    You would risk the life of your child and that of the other people on the street at that time because you felt the need to get drunk. I don't care how good a driver he is he is only 14 and not a licensed or experienced driver who also has the distraction of a drunk mother beside him. Well done.... you foolish foolish woman.

    Its about time you grow up and and let your child enjoy their childhood without having to take responsibility for there drunken twit of a parent.

    The answer is very simple if you are going to drink you do not drive and certainly do not expect your 14 year to shoulder burden of your inebriation

  10. I agree with JustMe. And yes, some mothers even kill their own children, so why not do something stupid like this? I hope you get caught and your poor son taken away. Why would you even post such a question! Shame on you MOM!

  11. Yes, but his ticket will be a lot less than yours.

  12. nah its fine my mum dus it all the time, you know just totally lets me drive her home when shes drunk, and smoking weed in the car, seeing as i have no license not 18 i think she broke a few rules there

    1.) Smoking In A Car with a Minority

    2.) Permission granted for an un-licensed minority to drive

    3.) reckless driving

    4.) failure to keep car afloat in ocean

    5.) parking inside a shopping centre

    6.) Commited 78 Car Crashes

    7.) 46 Hit-And-Runs

    yeh i think thats about life imprisonment  

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