
Is it illegal to make a u-turn on your residential street? theres no yellow lines or anything...?

by  |  earlier

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i was making a u-turn out of my curb parking spot and stopped behind my neighbors car and put my car in reverse, but before i could hit the gas to go backwards, she hit me... whos at blame?




  1. She is, of course.  She has to make sure that there is nothing behind her before reversing.  Obviously....she didn't.

    It's perfectly legal to make a U-turn on a residential street.


    Even if you *had* made an illegal manouver, you were stopped when she reversed into you.  It is 100% her fault, either way.

  2. Where I live, it is only legal to make a "U-turn" at an intersection where there is no prohibitive sign, and you can't make a "U-turn" at a traffic light. To further make it clear, you may not make any "U-turn" between intersections, whether in town or on a rural highway.You also never have any right of way when making a LEGAL "U-turn".

    Check your local laws about this.

    When in "reverse", a driver never has any right of way.

    Sounds like perhaps a 50/50 responsibility crash to me.............where I live, you would have been making an illegal "U-turn", and your neighbour would have been "reversing", both are partially responsible.....??

    Check your State/Provincial Highway Traffic Act for laws regarding "U-turns" where you live.

  3. It does should like your neighbors fault but I hope that you got a police report and then just turn everything over to your insurance company............................

  4. You were stopped, she backed into you = her fault. Basic principle of driving anywhere, you're required to check it is clear & safe to reverse before doing so.

  5. Her.

  6. It is not illegal to make a U turn on a residential street, although it is not called a U turn, it is called a 3 point turn. If she hit you, she is most likely at fault. Check with your insurance company.

  7. Sounds to me that she did it on perpose. If she hit you on the back of your car is her fault, otherwise it is really hard to tell. I personaly think she should have stopped and waited for you to finish your turn. Actually here in California the law says that if you see someone doing a turn or anything even if it is illegal you have to stop and wait and also may be signal to him that he is doing something wrong. Anyhow the law is on your side here in CA. Cheers

  8. Are you talking behind her, meaning the front of your car was behind the back of hers?  Probably her fault.

    Are you talking about behind her, meaning the side of your car was behind the back of hers, like you were across her driveway?  Hard to say, except it is illegal for you to block her driveway.  

    You haven't given enough detail.

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