
Is it illegal to not report an accident in tennessee?

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About two weeks ago, I was driving and a guy made a left turn in front of me, but then stopped in my lane instead of continuing. I didn't have enough room to avoid hitting him, so I swerved and hit his back left bumper with my left front fender. He stopped and said he would pay for it, so we didn't report it and left. I've been in contact with him since then with details about how much it would cost, but recently he's stopped answering his phone, and I'm worried that he's trying to give me the slip. I have his name and license plate number, but I am not sure if it would be okay to go to the police or my insurance company with this, as I don't want to be facing any charges of leaving the scene or failure to report. What would be the best course of action?




  1. leave it alone and pay the damages yourself.  you're not going to be charged with leaving the scene as you've got record of calls made between the two of you and his name and license number meaning you exchanged your info.

    you rare ended this guy so it's your fault. you're the one with the control between giving yourself enough distant to avoid the accident.  he probably doesn't have insurance so he doesn't want you to report it.

  2. At this point you are probably in violation of the law.  As stated already, you should report it to the police and your insurance.  The longer you delay, the worse you look.

    He most likely offered to pay because he did not have a license or insurance.  

    A friend of mine once did not report an minor accident, because the other person asked him not to report it.  That person then filed against him.  Protect yourself.

  3. tell you insurance agent about it then file a police report. you will not get in trouble for leaving the scene because the two parties gave consent and set their own agreement so it's a done deal. it's kinda hard to prove who was right or wrong without a police report though. your word against his. always better to get a police report on the scene to protect yourself no matter what even if the other guy is the nicest person.

  4. Contact your insurance co. ASAP.  They can/will advise you what to do.  

    ALWAYS, ALWAYS report accidents (no matter how minor) to both the poilce and your insurance company.  ALWAYS !

  5. Nah, what you did was fine in every state I'm aware of.  It's routine and normal for drivers to simply swap information and not report it to the police.  

    I would say it's time to report it to your insurance company.  Since you're not at fault and there seems to be no dispute on this, this won't hurt you.  Your insurance company will help go after the other driver for the expenses.  That will be bad for him (his insurance will go up) but that's what he gets for trying to blow you off, lol!

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