
Is it illegal to open someone else inner office mail?

by Guest44727  |  earlier

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A co-worker opened my paycheck envelope left at the office by my boss to see how much money I was making, is this action illegal?




  1. very illegal

  2. I'm not sure it would be considered a federal offense, but it may be???

    I would report it to Human Resources immediately, especially if they show your social security number on your check. It could actually be an intent to defraud you of your personal identity.

    If no action is taken against the snoop, I say you grab yours and accidentally grab hers (which happened to be right behind yours) and accidentally drop it in the toilet, then dump on it, and tell her that you think it may have been her paycheck was in the toilet and direct her to the gloves.

    Oooops, it fell out of my back pocket when I went to sit down on the toilet to take a dump and that's how I realized they must have been stuck together when I grabbed mine. Yeah, sorry, sometimes revenge is just as sweet... and then you could tell her "You don't make sh*t compared to me... oh wait, you actually do"

  3. only if it had a stamp on it.

    but it may be against office policy. check with your human resources dept.

  4. NO. Inner office mail is not U.S. Mail.  It is not against the law for someone else to open it. And the US Federal 9th Circuit has ruled, If you have private mail sent to your place of employment, the company can open it.

    However I am sure your company may have policies against opening envelopes not addressed to you without permission of the person the envelope is addressed to.

    Without such a policy, anyone can open an internal affairs / discipline letter to another employee, look at internal documents that would violate securities laws, or internal information that could put the company at risk of legal suits, private patents, etc. that other companies could use to compete with your company.

  5. yes thats very illegal.

    help w mine plz?;...

  6. yes. it is illegal to open a piece of mail that is addressed to someone else in order to obtain information. if it is addressed to the wrong person, or delivered to the wrong address, then it can be assumed to be a mistake.  

  7. yes its a federal offense to opening other people mail.we talking jail time  

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