
Is it illegal to own an actual human skull?

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Is it illegal to own an actual human skull?




  1. ok where did you get that ...................... erm no i dont think there is a law against it in itself

  2. so long as you didn't remove the skull from the human it should be okay...

  3. Like the one in your head?

  4. Not our own!

  5. I think it's probably legal considering i saw it on mythbusters and they just bought it from a shop. How in the world did you get one of those?

  6. i dont think so

  7. Not at all.

    Totally legal.

    There are stores where you can buy human remains.

  8. Nope. Unless you harvested the skull yourself - then it's kinda illegal.

  9. haha! agree wit rosemry..

    As far as  u'v nt got frm d rong way...

    Itz OK!...

    Othrwise..u noe bttr..*lol*


  10. God I hope not.

    What about femurs?

    Are femurs okay?

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