
Is it illegal to park in front of a drive way with drop kerbs?

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my neighbours friends keep parking in front of my drive so i can't get in. i live in a council house and they don't really want to know. any tips?




  1. Get some stickers and put them on the windscreen.

  2. It is only illegal if your car is parked there.  If it is the police have power to charge the owner with obstruction.  This is what traffic attendants (wardens) have told me.  Perhaps a policeman could confirm on here.

  3. Call the police. They will be happy to tow away any vehicle blocking your driveway.

  4. Contact the police and the local council. They are causing an obstruction. I had the same problem with my old neighbour as their friends and family would park on my dropped kerb all the time. I tried talking to them but i just got abuse (i was a council tenant and they owned their house). My poor bf was either blocked in or blocked out and he would tell them 2 shift it otherwise he would move them himself. Try having a polite word and ask them not to park there if this fails try a letter. I did read somewhere that it is illegal to park on the entrance to a driveway. My old neighbour also used to use my driveway to turn his huge van around and on one occasion nearly hit my bf's car!! I wrote to the neighbour but he just ignored it and carried on doing it. I ended up putting a chain across the driveway to stop him then i moved shortly after so he can do it to someone else. Good luck and i hope this helps.

  5. If normal reasoning with this person is getting you nowhere then there are two other things you can do ....

    write them a polite not saying how inconsiderate they are being and point out that they are breaking the law.... and if they continue parking in front of your drive then you will have no option but to call the police.  Emphasise that this is not really a course of action you want to take.

    Then if this fails - call the police - they will knock and ask them to move the car immediately or risk having it towed away.... the police can do that - they have an obligation to uphold the law - and the law says it is illegal to obstruct an access or exit route..... you can also speak with the council about their parking - and if you feel really mean you can suggest your not sure the car itself is legal(!).... but admittedly that is going a bit far......

    NB I have seen a couple of people seem to think it's OK to park across a drive if no vehicle is parked on it .... this is not true .... it is illegal to park across a drive REGARDLESS of whether a vehicle is parked on it or not ... it is an ACCESS  as well as an EXIT..... - and it doesn't even matter if it's a shared drive..... this inconsiderate person doesn't even live in your road - so they have no excuse to right whatsoever..... and they can't park on it without your permission ..... I take it you won't give that now will you?!....

  6. It is illegal to park over a dropped kurb whilst a car is on there but if the driveway is empty then they can park across it. Annoying i no, the whole point in having a dropped kurb is so YOU can park on it. Just try talking to them or make up a sign and put by your drive saying 'driveway in constant use, please keep it clear'. You could always knock at their house every time you need to park on the drive and they should finally get the hint and not park there. Hopefully they will get the hint.

  7. Yes it is illegal by the causing of an obstruction even if it is your own car in front of yoy own driveway

    If the neighbours or the visitors are reluctant to co-operate then I would phone the local police each time it happens until they get out and do something about it


    Buy an old Land Rover and shove them out of the way ( oops did I think that out aloud)

  8. nope, sorry, all wrong!

    it is NOT illegal to park across the entrance to a driveway sorry!

    this question comes up a lot on here. please visit the highway code online and read rule 243

    what the highway code says is:

    "DO NOT stop or park:

    - where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles

    - in front of an entrance to a property"

    This is not a law, it is a rule in the highway code, and failure to comply with this rule, will not, in itself, cause a person to be prosecuted, however, it can be used in evidence in any court proceedings under the Traffic Acts.

    Hope this clears things up a little, and people - please, if you are using the roads, please buy yourself an up to date highway code.....and read it!

  9. yes no doubt you payed for the kerb to be lowered as we have done and it is causing an obstruction to your property evenif it is council house, it is illegal and they have no right to do so phone your local police  

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