
Is it illegal to point laser pointers into passing cars?

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Is it illegal to point laser pointers into passing cars?




  1. Yeah, i'm pretty sure that would be illegal in one way or another. Laser points can distract other drivers, or if you shine it in their eyes, they wont be able to see the road and might get into an accident. Don't be pointing laser pointers into other peoples cars. Why would you need to anyway?

  2. Yes anything that distracts another driver is against the law!

  3. You must be a real dumb *** for even asking such a dumb question, why would you even consider it?

  4. illegal....not sure........rude, obnoxious, childish, ignorant..........definitely

  5. most likely. I wouldn't test it if i were you. It's dangerous to you and everyone else on the road, regardless.

  6. it's illegal..and in some states for sure you can (and should) be held liable for any accidents that occur as a result. grow up!

  7. Yes, it would be reckless endangerment. If you were to damage somebody's eyesight or similar you would also be guilty of assault. If a death resulted from you actions you would be guilty of manslaughter.

    The actual names of the charges vary from country to country but the end result is the same. Recently an English man was sent to jail for shining a laser at a helicopter pilot.

  8. DUH

  9. It certainly is. Indeed a young chap got imprisoned for 4 months the other day for doing this to a helicopter

  10. If it's not, it should be. Sorry but that is just stupid. Why would you risk impairing another car that could lose control and kill someone? Grow up.

  11. Why would you do something like that even if it were legal.  What a dumb ***.

  12. Yes why would you want to

  13. if you eveer ponted one at me i'd kick your nuts in. so i guess you shouldn't

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