
Is it illegal to put satellite dish in low income apartment ?

by  |  earlier

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cause our manager is saying you should not put satellite dish in the apartment.

but were not putting is on the roof we are putting in the backyard




  1. No

  2. no. but its messed up.  

  3. It is not illegal, but your landlord does not have to approve it.

  4. Illegal? No. Against the rules of the apartment, then yes. You don't own the property so you're subject to the owner's rules and regulations.

  5. If it's your dish you can put it where you like. Tell the manager to sue you if he doesn't like it. Which he won't, cause it's not illegal

  6. nope

  7. No.  It is not.  Wouldn't that be the equivalent of a swing set or something then??

  8. I have heard but, am not sure, that it is illegal in rooming houses. I don't know if that's your situation or not. Oh housing projects as well. Depends on your state. GET CABLE. or go super fancy and get FIOS

  9. Maybe for fear it will get stolen?  

  10. Not illegal, but would be against their policy.

  11. It's up to the individual LL of the apt complex.  It's not illegal it just depends on the LL, if they don't want it on the property then you're out of luck.

  12. The rules would vary depending on the owner of the apartment and your location.  The rules should be printed up for you to read.

  13. The manager can refuse to allow installation, even a tripod installation, on any common area of the property.

  14. it is not illegal - but they do not have to allow it.

    No landlord is ever required to let you have a dish - it is purely up to them.

    It doesn't matter if it is not attached to the building- they still do not have to let you have it.

  15. You always need permission from cable suppliers or satellite suppliers to have them install their equipment on someone else's property.  If the manager refuses to sign the permission, you won't have it installed.  The suppliers require permission to protect themselves against illegal trespass on the property of others.

    It doesn't make any difference how the dish is mounted.  If the landlord does not allow such equipment on the premises, you cannot have it there.  You must have the landlord permission in order to install the satellite.  If the landlord phones the supplier and demands removal of the equipment from the premises, the supplier has no choice, and they will bill YOU for the removal.

    Read the supplied DirectTV permission form for further guidance.

  16. You are living on someone elses property and yes they have the right to control what you do within reason.We do not allow satellite dish on our property regardless of where it is put.

    Don't fall for the typical renter response of  just do it because you can do whatever you want because that simply is not true.

    Just like owners/managers can mandate behavior,guest,pets and everything else ,they can very well mandate a dish.

    Yes we do sue people who cause damages and despite what some say...we do win damages plus court cost so you might want to think about wether a dish is worth it. It is also a violation of your lease so you could very well end up being evicted.

    You need to really consider what is more important ,a dish or a place to live.

    I am sure that your manager has the same mentality that all managers have , they really are not concerned with wether you stay or move because there is always a waitlist of people needing housing.

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