
Is it illegal to......??

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Is it illegal to burn a bible?

Or is it just looked down on?




  1. Not as long as it is yours.


  2. No it is not illegal, it is protected by your first amendment right, freedom of religion and speech.

  3. Freedom of religion permits you to do it legally.

    But it shows great disrespect for the Christian faith. I highly doubt that you will get your point across with such blatantly disrespectful behavior.  

  4. Just like burning a flag - If you own it, you can burn it. The only legal issue I can see is if there is a ban because of lack of rainfall. but this would apply to any type of burning.

    I don't condone either activity, but it is your right to burn either to make a statement. But, you need to realize that there are some that may be offended by it, and they may let their emotions take over.

  5. I do not think that it is illegal, but it is looked down upon. Much like Americans should respect the Qu'ran. Of course, I think muslims have indeed burned the bible.  

  6. No, it's no more illegal to burn a Bible than any other book.  If it were, the First Amendment would clearly be violated.

  7. If it is your property and safely burned as in not in a building risking setting it on fire it is not illegal. It is strongly looked down on though.  

  8. that depends on where you live.  Many countries do not have the freedoms that we enjoy in the US.  Also, there may be any number of local or state laws that would prevent the burning (permits and such).

    burn your own bible on your own land on your own time.  Respect local laws when doing so.  Don't expect anyone to respect you.  There may be a few that do, but not many.

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