
Is it illegal to record a face-to-face conversation you have with someone, without their knowledge?

by  |  earlier

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Say I went to someone's house, with a concealed tape recorder... . and ask them a few questions, knowing d**n well they are gonna contradict themselves, and then it's on tape. And only I know about it. And I live in North Carolina. Can this be used against them in court, if they are caught in a lie?




  1. It varies from state to state.

  2. Going to someones house nope not legal

    If they do not have a reason to expect privacy then it can be recorded

    (like in public a store some place that is open has people in it at least out side even your own telephone)


    Try to do it in an email

    If they send you emails contradicting themselves then you can use that too

  3. A tape recorded conversation cannot be used in court without prior knowledge.

    It is not illegal to record them but it does you no good.

  4. As far as legality goes...

    It depends on the state.  See the first link below, which identifies North Carolina as a "one party consent" state, meaning that a conversation can be legally recorded so long as one party to that conversation consents (i.e. if you're a participant, you can record it).

    As for admissibility?  Aside from the inevitable half-dozen people who always answer questions like this stating that it's inadmissible, I've been unable to find much authority for the proposition that legally-made recordings are inadmissible.  On the contrary, all the authority I've been able to find from various jurisdictions suggests presumptive admissibility so long as a proper foundation can be established - i.e. that the evidence is an accurate representation of the conversation.

    The second link below suggests that such recordings are usually not usable in court to impeach a witness' testimony, but notes variation by jurisdiction.

  5. it depends on the purpose for which you are recording ,if you are recording for some purpose to find something which can't be otherwise

    find ,it is legal to some extent .In some countries , a recorded document is accepted


  6. No it is not illegal but it is not admissible in court. In the United States.

  7. Taking advice on this site is as stupid as taking advice from your bartender.  Most of the answers concern recording telephone conversations,.  None that I read are accurate or complete.  Indeed there can be no universally true answer.  In general, a face to face converstion can be recorded and can be used in court.  The precise circumstances might result in a different conclusions.

  8. Unless this is to protect a child from a pervert, or something very serious, I would say keep your nose out of peoples business, or you may really regret it.

  9. What was the tape going to be used for is the question. If you are taping illegal activity, it maybe used as evidence . When in doubt, always contact your county court house and consult your DA on the legality of this tape and its admissibility in what ever you are trying to prove, ( illegal activity). If you are a private citizen and are trying to show that a crime is, has, or going to be committed, this may aid police in investigating a potential criminal act. Always contact your DA and see about the legalities in your state.

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