
Is it illegal to ride go-karts in residential streets in NC?

by Guest56887  |  earlier

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I live in North Carolina, the past couple of weeks, there have been a few kids who ride Go-karts up and down our residential streets,, they also ride what looks like mini gas-powered motorcycle type bikes.... it is starting to get very annoying, we can no longer sit on the back porch without hearing them (its very loud),, and the smell from polution is hard to take. Is it legal in North Carolina for these actions to take place?




  1. Yes it is..

  2. Yes, its illegal.

    Lets see, unlicensed vehicle, unlicensed driver, uninsured vehicle, violating noise statutes.

    Is that enough?

  3. Yes. I also live in NC in a very rural area on a gravel road and we can't ride any sort of ATV at all. Kinda sucks because the road used to be a logging road 100 years ago and it goes miles into the forest where nobody lives at all.

  4. yes, its illegal to ride go-karts in residential streets EVERYWHERE.

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