
Is it illegal to sell military gear????

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I just got out of the army and I still have a lot of gear is it illegal to sell it?




  1. If the gear is not yours then yes it is very illegal to sell it..

    If it is yours and you own it outright then you can do as you please with it providing you are not selling weapons or equipment that is of great importance to the Army.

    If your talking about canteens, or ammo pouches it should be ok as long as you didnt steal them, and even then how would they find out..Just watch to whom you sell your gear to.

  2. It's OK. Perfectly legal. A company called US Cavalry has been selling it for years now.

  3. As long as it doesn't fall into the category of "nuclear", yes you can sell it.  Didn't you see all those military surplus stores all around the base, they are everywhere.

  4. When I got out the only thing they did not take away was my "basic issue" clothing minus winter greens. I even had to pay for the old field jacket.

    Sounds like you feel guilty about having these things. If they gave it to you it's yours to do with as you please. If you took it read the first sentence of this paragraph again.

    SSG US Army 73-82

  5. Most of the gear that was issued to you should have been turned back in (chem gear, protective gear, gear that is for your career field).  Anything you yourself bought..uniforms, boots, your's to do with as you please.


  7. Yes. The UCMJ and tax man will catch up with ya. Somewhere, somehow there is a record of the items you want to sell. They will keep your tax rebates until the value has been collected.

    Some sensative equipment it is a felony to sell. Anything related to NBC falls into that catagory. I think you can figure out the rest.

  8. If it's not issued to you and this is gear that you purchased at the BX or PX...nope, sell away...

  9. If you just got out and have already cleared it isn't. But, if you try and sell it in a Military town you might have some difficulty...aside from not getting a fair price.  

  10. If you bought it yourself and it is not part of the gear that was issued to you - you can sell it now.  

    If you are still subject to recall because you are in the active reserves or even inactive reserves you can't sell it - you are expected to be ready to go back to active duty if called upon which means you must have all issued military equipment and uniforms.

    Most military contracts are for a total of eight years with so many being active duty and the remaining years in the active or inactive reserves.  After your obligation is complete you can do whatever you want with everything.

  11. Buy low sell high  

  12. Depends upon the gear!  If you sold an M-16, you'd be in deep doo-doo.  However if you wish to sell issued or purchased gear that you were allowed to keep when you were discharged then you are free to do so.

    About the only non-weapon item that could be issued to a troop that they are not allowed to sell is the Medal of Honor.  It's illegal for someone to possess one who was not awarded it unless they are the family of an awardee or own it as part of an authorized collection of military memorabilia.

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