
Is it illegal to sell your vote?

by  |  earlier

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I know its a right to have a vote, but is it legal to sell your vote to someone else?

What is the name of this crime, if it is illegal?




  1. Yes, it is highly illegal.  I can remember back years and years ago that the precinct captain for a particular party would call on my folks, giving them candy and a bottle of wine for their votes.  My parents accepted the 'gifts' but would vote for whom they thought was best.  Not necessarily the party that called.

  2. lol

    My dad said if i gave him $200 he would go vote for whoever i wanted him to vote for ( im 16 years old). But i don't know if its illegal or not.

  3. Is it illegal... yeah... Will you get caught... No... This would be Perjury and face federal charges.

  4. It is illegal!  It is called voter fraud.  You can be charged with the crime of fraud!

  5. obviously it's illegal ; and who would actually pay for a vote ?

  6. i dont know but its just plain stupid i can tell you that

  7. It is illegal under federal law and laws in all 50 states under a variety of statute headings. It is a felony in all.  

  8. Yes, it is very illegal. So is giving it away as a gift. The reason is that you're giving not only your vote but your voice away to someone who could have different views or intentions than you.

    Call a lawyer for a free consultation and he can tell you the exact name of the law.

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