
Is it illegal to send a marijuana pipe and pill crusher through the mail? PLEASE READ?

by  |  earlier

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I put a pill crusher, a marijuana pipe, 1 vicodin pill that is not prescribed to me, a cigar, and a few other things like that inside my computer and my dad just sent it to me in the mail today. there were no drugs other than the one vicodin and probably some resin in the bowl but will they open the computer up and check it if they put it through an Xray and see that there are things inside the computer? please help i didnt know he would send it i just wanted to hide it while i went away to a different state for awhile




  1. i dont know but u can try to send it to me, lol

  2. Yes!

  3. Can you spell BUSTED?  Your dad will be proud when they pick him up for sending it.

  4. yes- you can get in mounds of trouble for that.  it's a big package, they will x ray it and see the pipe, the pill and the cigar.  the fact the pipe was used makes it worse.  you should've thrown that s h i t out.  you're in big trouble buddy.

  5. I really like the "love me long time" chick... let's hook up.

    Anyhow Metallica dude nailed it. It's not a "marijuana" pipe unless you have marijuana in it.. So it's a tobacco pipe unles they say otherwise.

    TRUST me on this, you are worried about nothing.


    The pill is PERSCRIPTION not controlled substance so you can ignore that.

    Anything from a pharm is totally cool in LOW QUANTITIES.

    That's the key to avoiding jail. Keep it under 3 grams my man.

    As for the pipe, they can't get you on anything. Even the resin.

    They need to prove

    a)it's yours

    b)YOU sent it with the intention to traffic a controlled substance

    c)the amount you attempted to traffic was more than that of a typical individual single dose

    d)they have to attach the object to you.

    Just like a bowl in your car. You can claim it's not yours, it must have fallen out of that bum's pocket who you gave a lift (who WASN'T hitchhiking b/c that too is illegal)

    basically it's no big deal.

    If you had a half oz in there then you'd have something to worry about.

    PLUS you didn't sent it your old man did.

    So you're fine.


    Ask yourself this, would they spend serious dollars for a dime store bust? The only charge they would have and it's a misdemeanor, is the "posession of drug para."  These people are just having a laugh ******* with you. Nothing will come of this if you do nothing.  I will fly out and represent you if I am wrong FREE OF CHARGE.. how's that? And since this is posted as public domain and there are witnesses I am legally bound to that offer. THAT is how sure I am. Ask how many lawyers have offered FREE service for live courtroom defense...

    I was going to answer:

    It depends on your video card. Did you go ATI or nVidia?!?


  6. Dude, it's sending drugs and drug parapharnalia through US Mail.  It's a federal offense.  Don't do it.  Donk.

  7. is it illegal to be as g*y as you? YOUR g*y!

  8. No courier service x-rays packages.  I work at a UPS Store and people will come in with a teddy bear and send it overnight, early AM across the country for $100, so I'm pretty sure people send drugs all the time.  I don't agree with drug use, but you're safe.

  9. you and your old man sound like two s***w ups

  10. My God, that is indeed a tough question! I'm certian though that your father would not be held responsible. And I'm pretty sure any charges would be no more severe than if your car was searched and they found it there. Whatever happens, Don't admit to ANYTHING! This way you won't incriminate yourself. You have Constitutional rights. The truth is this; You NEVER have to answer any questions any cop asks! If they ask your name-give them your licence but don't say a word. It is your legal constitutional right to "remain silent" And hey, nothing's gonna happen with the computer thing-I gaurentee it. So relax but what I told you here is for any contact you may have in the future with cops. Check out( very important website-more than i can say O.K.Bye

  11. If the vicadin isn't yours --illegal if the pipe had resin in it---illegal

    Pill crusher--legal--but since other illegal items were present it could be used against you.

    The only reason the pipe would be illegal is because it was used for illicit reasons and had resin from an illegal drug...if it had been new and unused or a tobacco resin present then it would have been legal.

    It also depends how he sent the item and if the delivery company or post office uses drug sniffing dogs.

    So if you hear a knock on the door and you're not expecting anyone...better get on the phone with dad before they break the door down and shove a shotgun in your face.

    Good luck

  12. NO, but I think in any USA state the crusher & pipe are legal, if they are brand new.  You can buy paraphanalia brand new through the us mail or internet because they can be used for legal purposes, like smoking regular tobacco or cutting perscribed pills.  With resin there might be a problem if he mailed united states postal service, or snail mail, they have dogs that check all the packages via smell.  The vicodin pill is illegal, unless like your dentist wrote you a script for if you told him you are in bad pain.  But do before the mail arrives, they will nab you as you either take delivery or pickup.  If left on your doorstep, I don't think there will be any problem.

  13. I'd be more concerned about s******g up my computer..........

  14. Call it a tobacco pipe

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