
Is it illegal to shoot squirrel in your back yard in Texas, with a BB Gun?

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For the most part, I'm using a .177 caliber high power air rifle with an accurate scope? Still a BB Gun. Is it illegal?




  1. no,  kill squirels in my back yard all the time, its legall in florida

  2. Even though I am a little annoyed by the question, I will answer at least how you could find out. Look up your state laws and regulations. Then, it is important to also look up your individual county and city ordinances.

    Keywords: Texas, [county], [city], regulations [or ordinances], hunting, squirrels, zones

  3. Check the hunting regulations published by the Texas DNR. When I did, I found that in Texas it is illegal to hunt game animals with pellet guns, but any non-game animal can be hunted with whatever you wish to use.

    With a little more digging, I found that red/fox squirrel and gray/cat squirrel are considered game animals in Texas.

    Therefore as stupid as the regulation may be given the power levels and accuracy of modern high-power pellet guns, its illegal to hunt squirrels in Texas with a pellet gun.

  4. If its on your land its your right.

  5. no just make sure that no body is around u to get shot incase something goes wrong i do it with my dad alot its really fine!

  6. Tell the D.N.R. that you where frightened for your life and the squirrel was throwing up Gang signs at you in the shape of trees and was leaving different type nuts on your car... then every time you would go out side the squirrel would scream out TREE LIFE and begin to threaten you .. then you had to shoot him........I would...

  7. First of all WHO CARES? nobody's going to give u a hard time even if it is illegal

  8. i shoot people in my backyard, sqirrels should be just fine

  9. There is no open season or bag limt on squirrels in TX all you need to hunt them is a legal hunting liscense but nobody should give you any trouble about it anyways unless you live next to some tree hugger or some kind of lame hippie the only legal issue would be if you live in city limits or not some cities don't even let you shoot bb guns in the city limits

  10. No, it's legal, it's a pest so if a police or fish and game warden asks you just say they have been a pest.

  11. if not, it should be

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