
Is it illegal to spread facts about someone that could compromise him or her?

by  |  earlier

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For example you live next to someone that has an odd fetish and you tell people and of course it freaks them out and scares them away. Is that considered illegal? If it is whats the legal term for it?

I'm thinking Slander but isn't slander when its false?




  1. Its called the election process  

  2. Slander is to defame, disgrace, or harm a reputation.  It does not have to be untrue to be considered slander

  3. Its not slander, but, there could be punitive damages in civil court depending on the circumstances. Sharing it with a friend is okay, but, climbing a telephone pole and telling the world would be a breach of peace.

  4. why  are you in people's business i don't understand  it is it harmful to you

  5. Slander is when its false.

    If talking about people was illegal we would all be in jail. It is not illegal at all. If it was people running for office could not run commercials running down the other guy, very magazine on the market would shut its doors, and the news media would report more on just the weather.

    Definition Of slander -

    Slander is a false and malicious spoken statement about someone else.

    To prove either libel or slander, the statement must fulfill three requirements:

    Communicated to someone else - a nonessential third party

    Harmful to the reputation of the person the statement refers to

    and Malicious

    At the same time the victim has to have some monetary loss. I would also point out that proving it was malicious could be difficult. unless you walk into court and say "ya, I made that up to get back at him" proving your frame of mind is nearly impossible.

    Getting legal advice from yahoo answers; might as well watch crime seen TV for the answers because most people answer based on what they see on TV.

  6. A statement of fact or mixed fact can still be slander.  You can certainly be sued for defamation, and probably loose if without provocation you began to air your neighbors dirty laundry.

    All that needs to be proven in a case of slander is that

    1.  the statement caused harm

    2. The statement was unprovoked,

    3. there was malicious intent

  7. It is considered slander as you do not have permission from that person to broadcast their fetishes.

  8. no it is perfectly legal

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