
Is it illegal to stop during a green light?

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Say you're behind a car and you can't see if you can clear the intersection or not. Are you allowed to stop and wait for the cars in front of you to clear the intersection and see if there's space to clear even if that means you'll miss the green light? Because I did that and I got honked at so much. Even

though I couldn't clear the intersection.




  1. if u tell its safe then i would stop.

  2. No it is not illegal to stop at a green light to wait and make sure you will have enough room to clear the intersection before it turns red in fact it is illegal to block in intersection at anytime (at least in my state of Florida).

  3. That is fine and what you are is a safe driver which there are not that many of....

  4. No, it is not illegal to stop at a green light. However, the honking horns behind you are a reminder that many drivers feel you are not being a courteous driver.

    In reality, if everone chose to stop at a green light just because they could clear the intersection, traffic would flow much more slowly. Trips would take more time and more gasoline would be burned as cars waited at intersections when they could have been on their way.

    I understand why you would stop, but I would be frustrated if you were the driver in front of me.

    Oh, and by the way, Hang up (that cell phone) and Drive!!!

  5. Nothing is illegal if you have SAFETY in mind

  6. No its not illegal

  7. no, its not illegal, your just being safe, let then honk if they want to.

  8. Not sure exactly what you mean. Were you in traffic? were you turning? If yes to either then yes you can stop to wait for traffic to clear in order to see if you can go through the intersection. It is illegal to block an intersection.

    If you are turning left, and cannot see well enough to know there is no oncoming traffic that you could collide with, then it is right to stop and wait till you can see.

    The people behind you are just impatient, ignore them, the law is on your side (at least I think it is)

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