
Is it illegal to switch insurance companies to get someone off your insurance?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend recently got his license back from having them revoked. (not beacause of a DUI) Nonetheless, I had to put him on my insurance in order for him to get them back. Well ofcourse it went from $75.00 to $276.00 per month!!! Well we cant afford it, now he is telling me to get new insurance somewhere else and not include him on it when I sign up for it. So that he can wait until October of this year when the points finally come off. Anybody familiar with the situation?? thanks for any help!




  1. If you live in the same household you must either include or exclude your boyfriend. In that case we don't recommend to lie to insurance company. If he lives at a different address than you -it might be an option, just don't talk about him to your new agent. simply because you don't have to.

    ...people who suggest you to "dump a person" for any reason

    are wrong. ask yourself: why do I have to go through this mess, how can I help to clean it???


  2. Exactly. What he is recommending is insurance fraud. You could end up in an accident where your insurance company refuses to provide coverage for the loss because of it. You could end up responsible for the damage. Don't go there.

  3. OK, lots of people try this.  Skip the last paragraph, if you don't want personal advice.

    Usually it doesn't work.  Usually, in order to get that license back, you need an SR22 form.  If that's the reason why your insurance went up, the second you cancel your policy, the insurance company notifies the DMV, and his license gets revoked again.  

    If you live together, and the car(s) are only in YOUR name, and you don't list him ( a regular operator) on your policy, the insurance does NOT have to pay if he cracks a car up.  That means, YOU have to pay - because you're the legal owner of the car.  You could be stuck with thousands of dollars of bills.

    Lastly, dump this clown.  This kinda guy is NOT a "keeper", as he can't even take care of HIMSELF!  And if he'll be dishonest with the insurance company, he'll be dishonest with you.  TRUST ME, I've been there, done that.  My 1st husband, when I told him I wanted a divorce, the first thing he said was, "Oh, that's so unfair, that means I'll have to pay for my own car insurance."   And he was serious.  Hm.   Might be the same guy.

  4. Listen to mbrcatz1, her advice is absolutely dead on for the insurance, and the guy.

  5. I agree with mbrcatz...especially her last paragraph!

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