I had an issue with a guy harassing me over an ad I placed on craigslist. He emailed me calling me (insert swearing) because he didn't agree with the price I had listed. I put up a post that asked him to stop (as I did not want him to have my real email address) and he emailed me 15 times after that. every single email was calling me (insert really bad swearing) really really bad names. I filed a police report for harassment. And I put up a post on craigslist that warned people to not deal with this guy because his public criminal record consisted of obscene phone use, and restraining orders up the ying yang due to harassment. And I said they can look it up themselves and posted the link to the circuit court page. IS IT ILLEGAL? I don't think so. Everywhere that I've looked says that if you post PUBLIC information it is not illegal. I have not said anything about his birth date, his phone number, address or anything of that nature. Just the name he used. IF it's illegal, let me know. I already removed the post, because I just wanted him to see it. Just wondering. Thanks.