
Is it illegal to throw water balloons at people in Canada?

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What about throwing water balloons at the RCMP? If say you plead guilty?




  1. I'm pretty sure people would frown at you...

    If its at your friends then its playful...

    Throw it at an RCMP and its assalt on an officer.

    So to be safe i'd say its illeagal and you shouldn't do it.

  2. no, lol. I have not heard of that. If you throw one at a cop, it could be seen as 'throwing an item at a police man'. but throwing water baloons is not illegal.

  3. I would think so, its a kind of assult (especually if theyre injured)

  4. Yes it is illegal to throw water balloons at people you don't know. It is especially illegal to throw water balloons at the RCMP. You will be arrested, and most likely charged with assaulting a police officer.

    All of your scenarios are a stretch at best. It boils down to the fact that its illegal. You have your answer.

  5. stupid question

  6. only if someone is injured

  7. I'm about 80 miles from Canada.  So if I could find a way to throw hard enough to throw balloon at people in Canada, they'd never know it was me anyway.

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