
Is it illegal to tie up your brother dress him as a girl and put makeup on him?

by Guest66852  |  earlier

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We did this and made him wear our dresses because he was spying on our sleepover, this isnt illegal is it? Somebody said it was

It was all just in good fun




  1. It's considered a hate crime if the various ensembles weren't coordinated and clashed.

  2. Ha ha. It's really quite normal to torment your siblings! If the cops are called. they are going to see it for what is is....siblings being normal! If you could be thrown in jail, most of us would have served jail time by the time we were 6! And the parents , because he is a minor, would have to press charges if the officers determine there's no cause for complaint.

  3. I hope not or my brother could sue me blind for the antics of my childhood. Mind you, I expect tying your sister to a tree and shooting arrows at her would cancel it out.

    If you are reading this wasn't it?!

  4. h**l naw! He deserved it. I think it would be kind of mean to do it for no reason but not illegal....

  5. Oh yeah, tons of laws about it.  You're going to jail man!  RUNNNNNN!!!!  VA A MEXICO!!!!!!!

    No... it's not a law.... wow...

  6. I don't think so.....i did that to my cousin.  served him right. lol

  7. It's funny that this is in the etiquette section.

  8. Of course not...unless you're in Saudi Arabia.

  9. You should enjoy the fun now, because when he grows up you won't be able to do that.  It was just a bit of fun and if it ends up in court you have witnesses to say that he was a peeping tom!  Ha ha ha.......  Stay happy

  10. no, forced crossdressing is not against the law.

  11. If he presses charges it is. You can't go to court over most crimes (except felonies like murder) unless someone has some decent evidence and actually wants to press charges. So I doubt you'll ever end up in court for stealing a co-workers pen (btw in that kind of case the stolen item has to be worth more than twenty dollars anyways).

  12. yes but funny regardless....and he wouldn't be able to prove it anyway! so no worries!

  13. It's past your bedtime little gir.

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