
Is it illegal to use a Ouija board?

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Apperently it is illiagal to use a Ouija board. I knwo people that tried it and they nearly got arrested because of it. Can that happen? I'm going to be useing one next weekend whether or not its legal but I would like to know. If you have an idea please leave an answer CHEERS!!!




  1. illegal? I don't think so, my friends and I play with a Ouija board all the time! We ask the silliest/stupides question ever, like whether or not the giants will win, who will go out with who, etc etc etc.

    But sometimes we get freaked out...

    Do your research before using one of these. And if you have any fears of death , demon possession, or hauntings. DO NOT mess with it. Also, I have read that you have to have faith for it to work.

    Yes, you can make your own Ouija/Spirit Board board.

    Yes, they do work. It can take a long time to get an answer. You will NOT be possessed if you use it alone. I use it alone and have not been possessed or experienced any negativity.

    If you get/make one. I suggest smudging the board and anointing it with some holy water or holy oil on the back, about once a month. Also, say a prayer and ask your deity for protection and wisdom.

    If you make contact and the spirit acts up and scares you. Ask it to leave. If it still acts up, remove the planchette and flip over the board and store them seperatly.

  2. why would it be illegal?

  3. They sell them at Toys R Us so what do you think????

    Ouija Board: Glow-in-the-Dark...OOOOHH Spooky!!

    Turn out the lights - now the board and message indicator glow in the dark! How it works has been a mystery for over 30 years

  4. Not in the United States.

  5. Those people who supposedly "almost got arrested" are lying, it is perfectly legal to use them, DUH, otherwise they would not sell them at stores! Good luck and have fun with it! :)

  6. yes, and thinking for yourself is banned too

  7. In my country (Nigeria) apparently it is illegal to engage in occultic activities which include the use of an ouija board. I hear it is also illegal in some states of the U.S. Though the obvious fact is that an ouija board isn't something you'd naturally use in public, so unless the government has secret micro cameras in our living rooms, you're absolutely free to use a board in the privacy of your home.

                Though, I suggest that unless you intend to go into the occult full-time, You steer clear of  their paraphernalia. Stories   of demon possession that you watch in the movies is all too sordid reality in my country and many of those who've been delivered have often recounted that it all began with what seemed like a harmless round of games with an ouija board. Please consider carefully.

    Hope I've answered your question.

  8. Yes, under Federal Statute 478-B-125Y, Ouija Boards are illegal to use, and Ouija Board use is punishable by public spanking!

  9. It is just a game.  You can buy it at Toys R Us.  It is not illegal.

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